What is AWS? – An Introduction to AWS

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According to Gartner, Cloud computing will be a must for all computer professionals like the Internet soon. And we now know quite well what cloud computing is all about. However, we should know where cloud computing is applied and how. Its application provides IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services at reduced rates to organizations, developers, and students, or you may say anybody who needs such services. It is done via the Internet or sometimes through a VPN. Cloud service providers are the one who caters these services. The number one cloud service provider is AWS, and that’s why AWS training is trending. Its journey began in 2002, though the official launch was in 2006. Starting with three services, now it is a $35 Billion subsidiary of Amazon catering around 175 services plus numerous tools. No other cloud service provider can match it when it comes to scalability, availability, and security, as it has infinite compute, storage, best security services, with its data centers located in each corner of the world to ensure the best level of disaster recovery. And that's why it has a 34% market share. And it ranks number one, with Azure at second spot with an 18% market share. Andy Jassy is its CEO, and with the retirement of Jeff Bezos, he is the one to be the heir of Bezos.

How to build applications in AWS?

For building an application in AWS, you need to understand the environment required. AWS, through services like CloudFormation, Beanstalk, and OpsWork, allows us to choose a building type from a long list that includes Java, .net, Python, Nodejs, PHP, or any. All programming languages are available via dropdown. Beanstalk is more abstract, and CloudFormation requires setup from the root through templates. You can build serverless applications, Modern web applications., and all types via the above PaaS options. Almost all sections are on the list of AWS, which includes AI, ML, and Big Data. Good knowledge of AWS is going to help you build a great career hence. DevOps on the cloud via AWS is majestic, as there is no limit for compute or storage, and the code is made live within a few seconds after uploading the updated code. You only need to commit and push via Git, and nothing else is required.

Signing up on AWS

Signing up on AWS is a cakewalk. The prerequisites are a credit card/debit card. However, the card should not be a Rupay card as AWS does not accept it. Visa, American express, and Master are the only options. All you need to do for signing up is to visit the signup page. And there you enter all the details as required. The details required are simple, and hence we are not mentioning them here. You need to mention your details, address, payment method, and the GSTIN or PAN number. The good news is, once your account is activated, you can then make the payment through net banking as well now. However, remember the card is verified. And as you try to activate your credit/debit card, the AWS will redirect you to the bank site. And you need to enter the OTP sent to your phone. On submission, there is a deduction of INR 2 from your bank account.  However, it is refunded once your account is verified. It might take 2-3 days for the refund to show in your bank account. Remember, you should have the below details while adding the credit/debit card.

  1. card number
  2. date of expiry
  3. CVV number
  4. your contact addresses.

Remember, your contact address is the same on the bank and the AWS account.
Once your payment method is verified, you can choose from:

  1. Free tier
  2. Developer account
  3. Business account 
  4. Enterprise account

For each, there is a different amount as the fee. And AWS wants you to activate recurring payment. You only need to check a checkbox for that. It's not a big deal, and you should not worry. The fee below INR 10000 is deducted automatically from your bank account as the month ends. You will enjoy quite a lot of tools like cost explorer etc. to make your budget and plan. And you will never end paying more. 

What are the services provided by AWS? 

AWS offers around 175 services currently. They are available category wise, which are:
Compute, storage, database, analytics, management, security, network, identity and access management, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Big data, Development tools (DevOps), Migration and transfer, End-User computing, cost management, IoT, Front End Web and Mobile and much more. And each of these has plenty of services. Like for Front End Web and mobile, we have AWS Amplify, Mobile Hub, AWS AppSync, Device Farm. Similarly, for containers, AWS provides ECR, ECS, and EKS.  And, no one Engineer can have all the AWS services in mind at one time. You can take it as a challenge. And you should try to learn by heart all, plus how each of them can work in various use cases.

  • Demo
  • How to build applications in AWS?

We will be building and deploying the PHP site using a preconfigured environment for AWS Beanstalk. Steps are as below:

    1. Make a zip file of the complete PHP site code.
    2. Now Go to the AWS management console, and select the AWS Beanstalk from there. 
    3. Now do not select create a new application, as in that case, you will have to configure the complete environment. Select the Preconfigured php environment from the dropdown.
    4. Now upload the zip file, and click on Upload and deploy. The Beanstalk will automatically build the code and deploy it on the Apache HTTP server. Now you can check the site through the URL provided at the top.  Also, if the health monitor is showing green color, then also you can assume that your app is running fine. You can further attach a domain to this URL via route 53 service if you want. 

Thus, we have build a php application with the help of AWS Beanstalk. And via Naresh I Technologies highly experienced faculty and well-crafted course material, you can learn the complete AWS. Such knowledge can earn you a great job as an AWS expert in some big companies. Give a missed call to Naresh I Technologies a premier computer training institute, and our customer care team will be contacting you and briefing the overall process of admission to the AWS training