15 Awesome Things to Build and Sell With JavaScript

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JavaScript is one of the most flexible programming languages available today. You could be building web applications, mobile applications, games, or even creating browser extensions. But there's no better foundation for a successful project than JavaScript. In this article, we are going to explore some of the coolest things you can do with JavaScript that aren't only functional but profitable as well.

Some of the most common options don't appear on this list, and that's okay. Please do suggest your own in the comments!

Let's dig into it!


1.Browser Extensions

One great thing to do with JavaScript is to make browser extensions. They are awesome because they can extend your browsing capabilities by adding new features or automating tasks. For example, "Honey" helps users find and apply coupon codes when shopping online, and PayPal bought it sometime ago for approximately $4 billion. Building browser extensions is relatively easy, and if they solve some common problem, they might turn out highly profitable.


2.Web Apps

Probably the most obvious thing you can create with JavaScript is a web app. A great example is "Notion." Today it's an indispensable tool both as a personal use case and as something for teams, generating millions in revenue. Building a successful SaaS product that enjoys such widespread acceptance can easily turn into a sustainable and scalable business.


3. Websites

You can make all kinds of web sites: blogs, news sites, e-commerce sites, forums, and many other kinds of web sites using JavaScript. "Nomad List" earns serious income from selling membership fees through a website intended to help digital nomads decide where to live and work remotely. Choosing the right niche and business model, creating sites with JavaScript will surely be a profitable business.


4. Native Mobile Applications

JavaScript is very popular while using native apps. You can create native mobile applications for both Android and iOS using React Native. For instance, an application "Airbnb" was created with React Native. Today, it is a multi-billion-dollar company that connects hosts and guests globally. If you want to work with mobile apps but are not willing to migrate to something else than JavaScript, React Native is an awesome choice. 


5. Hybrid mobile Applications 

Hybrid mobile apps, based on JavaScript, combined with HTML and CSS, are allowed to work with minimal changes in multiple operating systems. For instance, the "Uber" application, based on the initial hybrid mobile app model, allowed users to use it seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms. Hybrid mobile apps can easily allow the developer to create an application for multiple platforms at relatively low cost simultaneously.


6. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

PWAs are web applications that can almost act like native mobile applications. "Spotify" had a PWA version of the service which enables customers to access their music without installing an app, with or without downloading from an app store. PWAs provide great user experience since they offer functions which are faster and also work offline; hence, it is a great option for developers.


7. Trusted Web Activity (TWA)

TWAs are new but very rapidly growing. This makes internet content fit within the body of Android applications. The best example is "Twitter Lite," which, in the pursuit of innovation, has made use of TWA to produce lightweight instances of its apps. This is an effective way of developing apps for Google Play and other market places using web technologies such as JavaScript.


8. Desktop applications

With frameworks like Electron.js, it is now possible to develop desktop apps using JavaScript. Examples include "Slack," a communication tool available to a very large number of teams today. It was initially an application created using Electron and later scaled to millions of users. Desktop apps developed with Electron.js are basic, combining the capabilities of native software with the power offered by web technologies.


9. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

APIs are one of the most monetizable things that can be built using JavaScript. "Twilio" is probably a popular API for communication; with it, developers can send text messages or make calls right from their apps. Twilio's API is hot enough that recently, it even went public. APIs can earn you money passively if you sell them in marketplaces like RapidAPI.


10. JavaScript Frameworks

Many robust web applications have been built using frameworks like Vue.js and Next.js, and they are also monetizable. For instance, the company behind "Svelte" offers premium tools and services for developers using its framework. Building and monetizing your own JavaScript framework can create opportunities for paid features, consulting, and sponsorships.


11. JavaScript Libraries

You can even write JavaScript libraries and sell them. For instance, "Chart.js" is a lightweight but versatile library that allows developers to easily build charts. Many contributors purchase or donate for the maintenance of the project. Premium additions, enhanced features, or paid support are excellent ways to maintain a steady source of income from libraries.


12. Templates

Website or SaaS starter kits with JavaScript templates are in quite high demand. "Webflow" is a popular website builder, in this case, offering ready-to-use templates which do not need any kind of coding to create professional websites. Templates can be sold on platforms like ThemeForest, and it is a great source of passive income with minimal upkeep.


13. 2D Games

Thanks to JavaScript's new element, the canvas, you now can develop 2D interactive games. The puzzle game "Little Alchemy," where players combine elements, is developed with JavaScript and gained popularity beyond expectation. You can distribute such games through sites like itch.io or monetize them by showing ads, selling items in the game, and so on. 


14. 3D Games

 WebGL enables JS developers to develop 3D experiences, including games. "Voxel.js" is one of those game engines, allowing for the creation of Minecraft-like 3D games in the browser. Of course, compared to 3D games, it's more complex, but huge potential for such immersive experiences lies there, and ever-growing demand for browser-based 3D applications makes it an exciting area to consider. 


15. Third-party plugins

Plugins - Another major source of generating funds is to develop plugins for WordPress, Shopify, Slack, or any other platform. For instance, the successful plugin "Yoast SEO" for WordPress helps a user optimize their website in front of search engines. The plugin has millions of users and good money is generated from premium features as well as support services.

Honorable Mentions:

Apart from above 15 ideas, there are a million and one ways you might leverage your JavaScript skills:


  • Write eBooks or Create Courses: You can teach them to code by writing a JavaScript eBook or creating an online course.

  • Blogging or Vlogging: Creating content on JavaScript development, and tools frameworks.

  • Introduction to Web3 Development: Diving into blockchain and decentralized applications with JavaScript frameworks like Web3.js. 


These courses of Naresh IT are really very talented and skilled training for the ones who want to learn how to be an efficient JavaScript developer. These courses are one of the simplest online trainings given in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Online Training and Classroom Training.  Hands-on projects, expert guidance, and flexibility in learning will keep you able to build great products and take your development skills to another level.


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