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Dur: 60 days
Course fee : 8000 /-

MS Azure + Azure DevOps

Course Overview

Azure DevOps encompasses a range of services and tools designed to facilitate collaboration and streamline the software development lifecycle (SDLC). It includes features for project management, version control, continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), testing, and monitoring. With Azure DevOps, teams can manage their entire development process in one place, promoting transparency, agility, and productivity.

Learn software skills with real experts, either in live classes with videos or without videos, whichever suits you best.


Azure DevOps consists of several key components:

  1. Azure Boards: Agile planning tools for tracking work items, managing backlogs, and planning sprints using Kanban boards or Scrum methodologies.
  2. Azure Repos: Git repositories for version control, enabling teams to collaborate on code, review changes, and manage branches.
  3. Azure Pipelines: CI/CD service for automating the build, test, and deployment process across different platforms and environments.
  4. Azure Artifacts: Package management service for storing and sharing artifacts like binaries, npm packages, NuGet packages, and more.
  5. Azure Test Plans: Test management tools for planning, executing, and tracking tests to ensure application quality.
  6. Azure DevOps Extensions: Marketplace for integrating with third-party tools and extending the capabilities of Azure DevOps.

Course Objectives

Objectives: The primary objectives of learning Azure DevOps include:

  1. Streamlining Development Processes: Learn how to use Azure DevOps tools to automate repetitive tasks, improve collaboration among team members, and accelerate the software development lifecycle.
  2. Implementing Continuous Integration and Deployment: Understand how to set up automated build and deployment pipelines to deliver high-quality software more frequently and reliably.
  3. Enhancing Collaboration: Master the use of Azure Boards for effective project management and collaboration, enabling teams to plan, track, and deliver software iterations efficiently.
  4. Improving Application Quality: Learn how to leverage Azure Test Plans and other testing tools to ensure the quality and reliability of software through comprehensive testing strategies.
  5. Gaining Insights and Monitoring: Explore how to use Azure DevOps for monitoring application performance, collecting feedback, and gaining insights to continuously improve development processes.

    • Basic understanding of software development lifecycle (SDLC).
    • Familiarity with version control systems (e.g., Git).
    • Knowledge of agile development methodologies.
    • Understanding of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) principles.
    • Awareness of cloud computing and Azure services.
    • Experience with using and navigating development tools or IDEs.
Course Curriculum

  • Understanding different Cloud Models
  • Advantages of Cloud Computing
  • Different Cloud Services
  • Different Cloud vendors in the market

  • Introduction to Azure
  • Azure Cloud Computing Features
  • Azure Services
  • Introduction of Azure Resources/Services with examples
  • Azure Management Portal
  • Advantage of Azure Cloud Computing
  • Managing Azure resources with the Azure portal
  • Managing Azure with Windows PowerShell
  • Overview of Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure Management Services
  • What is Azure Resource Groups
  • Configuration and management of Azure Resource groups for hosting Azure services

  • Overview of Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines
  • Planning for Azure Virtual Machines
  • Deploying Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines
  • Authoring Azure Resource Manager Templates

  • Configuring Virtual Machines
  • Configuring Virtual Machine Disks
  • Managing and monitoring Azure Virtual Machines
  • Addition of managed disks to an existing cloud server
  • Expansion of managed disk for cloud servers

  • Creation of VM’s with different windows flavours
  • Configure VMs for high availability and scalability
  • Configure high availabilities (AS, AZ, FD & UD details explanations with business case scenarios)
  • Deploy and Configure Scale Sets/Autoscaling/Horizontal scaling/VMSS
  • Provisioning and deploying of the VM’s using ARM templates for automations
  • Configuring Azure Disk encryption
  • Horizontal and Vertical scaling of Azure VM’s
  • Redeploy and reapply the VM’s with troubleshooting
  • Virtual machine scale set (VMSS)
  • Implementation of Azure Key Vaults for storing secrets, certificates…etc for Azure work loads with different permission @ users and group level
  • Hosting .NET applications on IIS
  • Deploying VM for Linux operating system with different Linux commands

  • What is storage account
  • Different types of replications in storage accounts
  • Different types of Blob(Page blob, Append blob & Block blob)
  • Cloud storage services (ex: container/blob storage service, file storage service, table storage service, & queue storage service)
  • Create blob container
  • Creation of file storage services and file share server for different O/S
  • Implementation of different accesses for container storage services
  • Maintenance and management of Storage Key and connection string
  • Implementation configuration of different types of Blob storage services(Page Blob, Append Blob & Block Blob) with use case scenarios
  • Implementation and configuration of Azure File share server for windows VM using Azure storage key with business requirements

  • Overview of Azure Networking
  • Implementing and Managing Azure Virtual Networks
  • Configuring Azure virtual networks
  • Configuring Azure virtual network connectivity
  • Deep dive and Implementation of Azure Load Balancers(Layer 4 and Layer 7 Load Balancers (i)Load Balancer & (ii) Traffic Manager Profile)
  • Troubleshooting and debugging of Load Balancer(LB) for deep knowledge on Load Balancing concepts
  • Implementation of inbound and outbound rules for Load balancer
  • Validation of network traffic via Load Balancer
  • Different types of load balancers (Basic & Standard) with features and business case scenarios
  • Implementation and details explanation of Network Security Groups(NSG) with different inbound and outbound security rules

  • Introduction to App Service
  • Planning app deployment in App Service
  • Implementing and maintaining web apps
  • Create the .NET/Java/PHP web apps
  • Implementation of Function Apps for serverless concepts

  • Planning and deploying Azure SQL Database
  • Implementing and managing Azure SQL Database
  • Managing Azure SQL Database security
  • Planning and deployment of SQL DB’s in Azure cloud computing with real time scenarios
  • Different DB’s Deployment options
  • Databases purchasing models.(Vcore & DTU’s)
  • Visualization of cloud DB server, Database and validation of data from onprem(private cloud)
  • Implementation of Firewall security rules on Azure DB servers to access and connect from on-prem SSMS
  • Creation of Database in on-premises and synch with azure cloud

  • Planning and deploying PaaS services in Azure Cloud computing
  • Managing and maintaining of PAAS cloud services
  • Configuring deployment app services slots
  • Monitoring of cloud services in Azure Monitor(VM’s, SA, Vnet…etc)

  • Deep dive, implementation, and Configuration of Azure Monitor
  • Setting up Alert rules, Metrics, Actions and Action groups in Azure monitor for different Azure resources deployed in cloud computing
  • Analysis of activity logs, Metrics, LAW, Action groups, Alert rules in Azure monitor for various IAAS & PASS services deployed in Public Cloud
  • Managing and Configuring Alerts in Azure Could for different performance counters(ex: VM Start, VM Stop, CPU Percentage, VM Redeploy, VM Reapply…etc)
  • Deploying an Alerts for Cloud App Service
  • Deploying Alerts for Azure work loads
  • Implementing of Action groups in Azure monitor for Azure resources/services
  • Implementing and configuring Log Analytics Workspace for trouble shooting and logs
  • Monitoring Cloud Services using Azure monitor
  • Crafting different chats for various performance counters of Azure Resources
  • Tracing Activity log in Azure Monitor for all the Azure Resources @ Azure Monitor

  • Deep dive of Azure Active Directory
  • Different license offering of Azure Active Directory
  • On boarding members, Groups and users in Azure AD groups
  • Implementing & Assigning RBAC roles(IAM) at Resource, Resource group and @ subscription level
  • Validations for different on boarded users for Identity access management(IAM) for different roles(Ex: Reader, Administrator, Owner, Contibutor…etc)

  • Assign different roles and permissions to users @ subscriptions and RG level
  • Deep dive of Azure subscriptions at Resource Manager level
  • Detail walkthrough of Azure Resource Manager

  • Migration of Resources from one resource group to an another
  • Configure resource locks
  • Configure security standards for RG
  • Identify auditing requirements
  • Implement and set tagging on resource groups and other Azure Resources
  • Removing/Deleting resource groups for cost savings

  • What is windows PowerShell
  • Provisioning of Azure Resources using PowerShell Scripting
  • Advantages of PowerShell
  • Automations using azure PowerShell Scripts
  • Implementation & Configuration of Azure automation account for Software’s packages installations in Azure VM’s
  • Facilitating different tasks using Azure PowerShell scripts

  • Configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles
  • Verification of RBAC for different users after onboarding in Azure Active Directory
  • Configure management access to Azure, troubleshoot RBAC, Assigning RBAC Roles and different level of access as per the Business Requirement

  • Introduction to Traffic manager
  • Routing methods (Priority, Weighted,Performance,Geographic)
  • How to configure different routing methods
  • What is end point
  • How to add the endpoints to traffic manager profile as App services

  • What is Azure DevOps platform
  • Advantages of Azure DevOps
  • Why the IT Industry is adopting DevOps, developing and executing the projects in DevOps?
  • Software Development Life Cycle. Different roles and responsibilities in SDLC
  • Overview & deep dive of Azure DevOps portal
  • Benefits and need of DevOps
  • Relationship between Azure and Azure DevOps(Different platforms for Cloud resources and DevOps tools and services)
  • Explanation of an Architecture, Organizations, and Projects creation in Azure DevOps portal
  • Azure DevOps services, purpose, functionality of each Azure DevOps services in details
  • Relationships between VSTS & Azure DevOps
  • Getting Access to Azure DevOps
  • Creation of free trail account in Azure DevOps Portal

  • Detail explanation, implementation and configuration of Azure DevOps organizations and its features
  • Detail explanation, implementation and configuration of Azure DevOps projects(Public & Private projects) with all features and settings
  • On boarding of users in Azure DevOps organizations and projects and provide the access to different users
  • Azure DevOps Projects configuration with different version control system(Git & TFVC)
  • Explanation and implementation of different work item process(Basic, Agile, CMMI & Scrum) for Azure DevOps Projects

  • Different Types of Version Control in Repo’s (i.e., GIT v/s TFVC)
  • What is GIT? How GIT Works? How TFVC works?
  • Common features of GIT & TFVC
  • Which we have to use (GIT & TFVC) for our development projects
  • Creation of new projects with either GIT or TFVC Version Control
  • Choosing the version controls (GIT/TFVC) while creating the new projects in Azure DevOps
  • Setting up GIT in local systems or Local development servers (dev environments)
  • Installing different versions of GIT depending on our operating systems (Windows, MAC O/S... Etc.)
  • Cloning of Repos from Azure Repo to our local systems
  • Creation of branches for the existing projects enhancements and initiating of pull request
  • Merging the code to master branches

  • Where can we store our project code to use pipeline?
  • Where can we deploy (Servers, VM’s...? etc.) our project code, is pipeline free to use?
  • What is CI/CD?? What is the advantage of CI/CD? When CI/CD will be triggered?
  • Creation of new Build (CI) pipelines and building of projects automatically in organizations
  • Setting and Getting Success/Error notifications via emails
  • Viewing Build logs to fix the errors, debugging & trouble shooting the logs of the build and determining what exactly is the errors/exceptions behind that Build of the code
  • Key Concepts of Azure Devops Pipelines
  • What are Agents. Approvals, Artifacts. Environments. Jobs. Run. Stage. Trigger in Azure Devops pipelines
  • Implementation of Build (CI) Pipeline using classic editor and without creating a YAML file
  • Instead of using YAML file how to create a pipeline using classic editor

  • Different types of testing’s that we can perform for Azure Devops projects work items
  • Detail explanations of different types of test suites that we can design in Azure Devops
  • Implementation of Test suites, Test cases & Test plans in Azure Devops projects
  • Importing the Testcases from different work items as per the test plans
  • Execution of Testcases for different Test suites and Test plans
  • Writing the test cases for different worktimes and executing for Pass/Failed/Not applicable.…etc.

  • Introduction & Implementation to Kanban Board (How it looks like, how can we create a Kanban Board? How to open Kanban Boards…etc.)
  • Implementation of work items in Azure Devops. How to update work item status? What is task and how to add tasks to an issue all details explanation with POC...etc.
  • Introduction and implementation Backlogs
  • Introduction & Implementation of new Sprints in Azure DevOps
  • Assigning work items to a particular sprint from the Backlogs
  • Creation of a new projects with Agile Process
  • Detail explanation and implementation of Backlogs in Agile projects or agile workflow process
  • Implementation of work items & sub work items in Backlogs
  • Creating and editing of sprints in Agile process
  • Assigning of work items to sprints

  • Task Creation Based on the Application Repository
  • Create the CI Process
  • Build Setup
  • Authenticate Build to Azure Web service
  • Test Cases Build
  • Build alerts Configuration
  • IAAS Deployments
  • PAAS Deployments
  • Alerts Configuration Using Azure
  • Build And deployments through PowerShell

  • Version controlling mechanism using Azure Repos
  • Branching & merging strategy
  • Various branching & merging strategies and their scenarios
  • Git commands
  • Creation of .net projects in local repo and pushing in server repo using Git commands
  • Merging, pushing, pulling of projects branches in Azure Repo’s
  • Project enhancements with files and code changes with real time scenario’s @ server repo and with git commands
  • Implementation of branching mechanism @ local and server repo’s with Git commands

  • Continuous Integration using Azure Pipelines
  • Pipeline creation
  • Environments
  • Tasks
  • Best Practices
  • Azure Docker image deployment
  • Deployment and configuration of customized Azure Docker container instance and Azure container registry with node js applications
  • Provisioning of Azure Container Instances and Container Registry for Docker containers on Linux Operating systems for Node js applications
  • Installation and configuration of Azure CLI in cloud servers provision docket container instances and host applications on Docker container instance(DCI) and Docker container registries(DCR)

  • Deployment Pipeline using Azure Pipelines
  • Automation of Application Configuration (web.config, app.config etc)
  • Automated workflows for Deployments
  • Integration with Artifact management

  • Overview of App Service
  • Deployment in App Service
  • Deploy and maintaining web Apps
  • Configuring app with deployment slots
  • Configuring the app with DevOps
  • Hosting .Net web applications on App Services(PAAS) in Azure cloud computing

  • Automation using Azure Release Pipeline
  • Fundamentals of SCRUM boards in Azure DevOps
  • Configuring the automation for CI/CD pipelines for deployment of web apps on Azure Infrastructure
  • Configuring and automating the deployment approvals with Superiors and deployment times

  • Deep understanding of Containerization
  • Virtual machines V/S Docker Containers
  • Advantages of containers
  • Deployment of Azure container Instances with on top of Linux O/S with a simple web application
  • Deployment of Azure container Instances with container registry with customized node .Js web applications(as per business requirements)
  • Installation of Azure CLI in cloud windows server for hosting private docker container registries

  • Understanding of terraform scripting
  • Purpose, advantages, and use of terraform scripting
  • Workflow of terraform scripts execution
  • Configuring and making the environments ready to write and execute the terraform scripts for cloud resources
  • Writing & executing the terraform scripts for different Azure resources as per the business needs…. etc
  • Writing & executing the terraform scripts for different Azure resources deployment in Azure cloud computing platform
  • Multiple commands to execute terraform scripts
  • Writing Infrastructure as code(Iac) for automations in terraforms and executing the terraform executables

  • Azure Kubernetes cluster deployment by considering node size, node count, node pools, enablement of virtual nodes, cluster Vnet, cluster subnets, Kubernetes version…etc in Azure cloud platform
  • Execution Kubectl commands to get the details and insights of Kubernetes components….node pools, pods, containers, Kubernetes worker nodes, namespaces of Kubernetes cluster, namespaces of the pods…..etc
  • Installation of Azure Kubernetes services AKS CLI in private cloud to do the governance and operations from local command prompt for deployment AKS containers, pods, and application deployments inside the Kubernetes cluster pods
  • Implementation of Yml code to provision virtual machine, app name deployment, port numbers, Operating system, Load Balancers…etc as per the need of project requirements
  • Triggering AKS commands to login to Kubernetes cluster, maintain and manage the Kubernetes cluster and its components
  • Deployment of a web application on Kubernetes pods by triggering the various AKS commands and its services
  • Testing of the deployed application in Kubernetes pods by considering the IP addresses of Pods which are same as LB(as this is mentioned in the Yaml file)

  • Preparing the Ansible playbooks for provisioning resources in Azure cloud computing like RG, VM, SA, NSG, NIC…etc to fulfil the business requirements…. etc
  • Building of IAAS Resources in cloud platforms using Ansible Playbooks
  • Handling Ansible scripts for cloud services
  • Installation and configuration of Ansible in cloud Ubuntu O/S to run ansible playbooks(Iac) for automations
Who can learn this course

Azure DevOps is suitable for a wide range of individuals and roles involved in software development, including:

  • Developers: To streamline code collaboration, automate builds, and deployments.
  • DevOps Engineers: To implement CI/CD pipelines and manage infrastructure as code.
  • Project Managers: To plan and track project progress, manage backlogs, and prioritize work items.
  • Quality Assurance Engineers: To plan, execute, and automate testing processes.
  • IT Professionals: To manage infrastructure, configure environments, and monitor application performance.
  • System Administrators: To deploy and manage Azure DevOps services and integrations.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to the world of DevOps, learning Azure DevOps can empower you to deliver high-quality software faster and more efficiently, thereby driving innovation and competitiveness in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Average package of course (MS Azure + Azure DevOps)

100% Avg
salary hike
4 - 12L Avg
Upcoming Batches
Live Training Batches Timetable
Course Name Faculty Date Time Mode of Training Batch Type Meeting Link
MS Azure + Azure DevOps Mr. Pavan 20 Mar 7:00 PM (IST) online Online Training
MS Azure + Azure DevOps Mr. Pavan 20 Mar 7:00 PM (IST) offline Classroom Training
Training Features
Comprehensive Course Curriculum

Elevate your career with essential soft skills training for effective communication, leadership, and professional success.

Experienced Industry Professionals

Learn from trainers with extensive experience in the industry, offering real-world insights.

24/7 Learning Access

Enjoy round-the-clock access to course materials and resources for flexible learning.

Comprehensive Placement Programs

Benefit from specialized programs focused on securing job opportunities post-training.

Hands-on Practice

Learn by doing with hands-on practice, mastering skills through real-world projects

Lab Facility with Expert Mentors

State-of-the-art lab facility, guided by experienced mentors, ensures hands-on learning excellence in every session

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