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Docker & Kubernetes

Course Overview

The Docker & Kubernetes course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience with containerization and orchestration technologies. Docker simplifies the process of packaging and deploying applications within containers, while Kubernetes manages the orchestration of these containers, ensuring scalability, resilience, and efficient resource utilization. This course covers the fundamentals, best practices, and practical applications of Docker and Kubernetes in modern software development and deployment.

Learn software skills with real experts, either in live classes with videos or without videos, whichever suits you best.


The course begins with an introduction to Docker, explaining containerization concepts and the Docker ecosystem. Participants will learn how to create, manage, and deploy applications using Docker containers. Subsequently, the focus shifts to Kubernetes, covering container orchestration, scaling applications, managing deployments, and maintaining containerized environments. Hands-on labs and real-world scenarios will be explored to reinforce theoretical concepts and ensure practical proficiency.

Course Objectives

The primary objectives of the Docker & Kubernetes course are as follows:

  1. Understanding Containerization: Provide a solid understanding of containerization concepts, Docker architecture, and container deployment.
  2. Docker Basics: Familiarize participants with Docker commands, container creation, and Docker Compose for multi-container applications.
  3. Container Orchestration: Introduce Kubernetes as a container orchestration platform and cover its key components and features.
  4. Deployment and Scaling: Teach the deployment and scaling of applications using Kubernetes, ensuring optimal resource utilization.
  5. Service Discovery and Load Balancing: Explore Kubernetes features for service discovery, load balancing, and managing application networking.
  6. Configuration Management: Cover configuration management and the use of ConfigMaps and Secrets in Kubernetes.
  7. Monitoring and Logging: Introduce monitoring and logging practices for containerized applications in Kubernetes environments.
  8. Best Practices: Share best practices for designing, deploying, and managing applications in Docker and Kubernetes environments.

    • Basic understanding of Linux operating system.
    • Familiarity with command line interface (CLI).
    • Knowledge of containerization concepts.
    • Understanding of virtualization and cloud computing.
    • Awareness of microservices architecture.
    • Experience with using and navigating code editors or IDEs.
Course Curriculum

  • Introduction to Docker
    • What is Docker?
    • Installing Docker
    • Docker Architecture
    • Understanding Images and Containers
  • Basic Docker Commands
    • Running Containers
    • Stopping and Restarting Containers
    • Removing Containers and Images
    • Docker Help Commands
  • Dockerfile Basics
    • Writing a Dockerfile
    • Building Docker Images
    • Dockerfile Instructions (FROM, RUN, CMD, EXPOSE, etc.)
  • Docker Hub
    • Pushing and Pulling Images
    • Managing Repositories
  • Docker Compose
    • Introduction to Docker Compose
    • Defining Services in docker-compose.yml
    • Running Multi-Container Applications
  • Docker Networking
    • Networking Basics
    • Bridge Networks
    • Host Networks
    • Overlay Networks
  • Docker Volumes
    • Volume Management
    • Mounting Volumes
    • Bind Mounts
  • Docker Swarm
    • Introduction to Orchestration
    • Initializing a Swarm
    • Deploying Services to Swarm
  • Advanced Dockerfile Techniques
    • Multi-Stage Builds
    • Best Practices for Optimizing Dockerfiles
  • Docker Security
    • Security Best Practices
    • Image Vulnerability Scanning
    • Docker Bench for Security
  • CI/CD with Docker
    • Integrating Docker with Jenkins
    • Building CI/CD Pipelines
    • Automating Deployments with Docker
  • Advanced Networking and Storage
    • Custom Network Drivers
    • Persistent Storage with Docker Volumes

  • Introduction to Kubernetes
    • What is Kubernetes?
    • Kubernetes Architecture
    • Setting Up a Kubernetes Cluster
  • Basic Kubernetes Concepts
    • Pods
    • Deployments
    • Services
  • Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)
    • Basic kubectl Commands
    • Managing Pods and Deployments
  • ConfigMaps and Secrets
    • Storing Configuration Data
    • Managing Sensitive Data
  • Kubernetes Networking
    • Networking Basics
    • Service Types
    • Ingress Controllers
  • Kubernetes Storage
    • Persistent Volumes and Claims
    • Storage Classes
  • Deployments and StatefulSets
    • Deployment Strategies
    • Stateful Applications
  • Monitoring and Logging
    • Setting Up Prometheus and Grafana
    • Using ELK Stack for Logging
  • Kubernetes Security
    • RBAC and Network Policies
    • Pod Security Policies
  • Advanced Deployments and Scaling
    • Blue-Green Deployments and Canary Releases
    • Horizontal and Vertical Pod Autoscaling
  • Helm and Operators
    • Introduction to Helm
    • Writing and Deploying Helm Charts
    • Kubernetes Operators
  • Advanced Cluster Management
    • High Availability Clusters
    • Cluster Federation

  • Introduction to Terraform
    • What is Terraform?
    • Installing Terraform
    • Terraform Basics: Providers, Resources, and Modules
  • Writing Terraform Configuration
    • Basic Syntax and Structure
    • Creating Resources
  • Terraform State Management
    • Understanding Terraform State
    • Remote State Storage
  • Basic Commands
    • init, plan, apply, destroy
    • Terraform CLI
  • Variables and Outputs
    • Defining and Using Variables
    • Output Values
  • Terraform Modules
    • Creating and Using Modules
    • Organizing Configuration with Modules
  • Provisioning Infrastructure
    • AWS, Azure, and GCP Resources
    • Managing Infrastructure with Terraform
  • Terraform and Version Control
    • Using Git with Terraform
    • Collaboration Best Practices
  • Advanced State Management
    • State Locking and Consistency
    • Managing State Files
  • Advanced Modules and Workspaces
    • Nested Modules
    • Using Workspaces for Environments
  • Terraform with CI/CD
    • Integrating Terraform with Jenkins
    • Automating Terraform Workflows
  • Best Practices and Advanced Techniques
    • Managing and Organizing Code
    • Terraform Testing and Validation
    • Multi-Cloud Deployments

  • Introduction to Helm
    • What is Helm?
    • Installing Helm
    • Helm Architecture
  • Basic Helm Commands
    • Helm Repositories
    • Creating and Managing Helm Charts
    • Installing and Upgrading Releases
  • Writing Helm Charts
    • Chart Structure
    • Templates and Values
    • Functions and Pipelines
  • Managing Dependencies
    • Chart Dependencies
    • Using Requirements.yaml
    • Managing Dependencies with Helm
  • Helm Releases
    • Managing Releases
    • Rollbacks and Upgrades
    • Release Lifecycle Hooks
  • Advanced Chart Development
    • Advanced Templating Techniques
    • Using Go Templates
  • Helm Security
    • Chart Verification
    • Using Helm with RBAC
  • Continuous Delivery with Helm
    • Integrating Helm with CI/CD Pipelines
    • Helm and GitOps

  • Introduction to ArgoCD
    • What is ArgoCD?
    • Installing ArgoCD
    • ArgoCD Architecture
  • Basic ArgoCD Concepts
    • Applications
    • Projects
    • Repositories
  • ArgoCD CLI and UI
    • Using ArgoCD CLI
    • Navigating the ArgoCD UI
  • Deploying Applications with ArgoCD
    • Application Definitions
    • Sync Policies
    • Automated Sync
  • ArgoCD and GitOps
    • Introduction to GitOps
    • Using ArgoCD for GitOps
  • Managing Application Lifecycles
    • Sync and Rollback Strategies
    • Application Health Monitoring
  • Advanced Application Management
    • ArgoCD ApplicationSets
    • Managing Multiple Clusters
  • ArgoCD Security
    • RBAC in ArgoCD
    • Securing ArgoCD Deployments
  • Integrating ArgoCD with CI/CD
    • ArgoCD and Jenkins
    • Advanced GitOps Workflows
Who can learn this course

This course is suitable for a diverse range of individuals, including:

  1. DevOps Engineers: Professionals involved in the development and operations lifecycle, aiming to streamline application deployment and management.
  2. Software Developers: Those looking to containerize and deploy applications consistently across different environments using Docker and Kubernetes.
  3. System Administrators: Individuals responsible for maintaining and scaling applications in production environments.
  4. IT Operations Professionals: Those interested in automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  5. Cloud Architects: Professionals designing cloud-native applications and leveraging containerization and orchestration for scalability.
  6. Students and Enthusiasts: Individuals keen on acquiring skills in containerization and orchestration for modern software development practices.

The Docker & Kubernetes course is designed to cater to both beginners and professionals with some prior knowledge, offering a comprehensive understanding of these technologies for efficient and scalable application deployment.

Average package of course (Docker & Kubernetes)

50% Avg
salary hike
50L Avg
Training Features
Comprehensive Course Curriculum

Elevate your career with essential soft skills training for effective communication, leadership, and professional success.

Experienced Industry Professionals

Learn from trainers with extensive experience in the industry, offering real-world insights.

24/7 Learning Access

Enjoy round-the-clock access to course materials and resources for flexible learning.

Comprehensive Placement Programs

Benefit from specialized programs focused on securing job opportunities post-training.

Hands-on Practice

Learn by doing with hands-on practice, mastering skills through real-world projects

Lab Facility with Expert Mentors

State-of-the-art lab facility, guided by experienced mentors, ensures hands-on learning excellence in every session

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