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Dur: 45 days
Course fee : 3500 /-

Advanced Java

Course Overview

The Advanced Java course is designed to build upon the foundational knowledge gained in Core Java and delve deeper into advanced features and frameworks. This course explores advanced Java concepts, enterprise-level technologies, and frameworks that are crucial for developing robust and scalable Java applications. It serves as a pathway for developers to enhance their Java skills for building complex and sophisticated software solutions.

Learn software skills with real experts, either in live classes with videos or without videos, whichever suits you best.


This course expands on the Core Java concepts and introduces participants to advanced topics such as servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), JavaBeans, and frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. Participants will gain insights into web application development, server-side programming, and database interaction using advanced Java technologies. Practical examples and hands-on projects will be used to reinforce theoretical concepts and provide participants with real-world application development experience.

Course Objectives

The primary objectives of the Advanced Java course are as follows:

  1. Servlets and JSP: Introduce Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) for building dynamic web applications on the server side.
  2. JavaBeans: Explore the concept of JavaBeans for creating reusable components in Java applications.
  3. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB): Provide an understanding of EJB for building scalable and distributed enterprise-level applications.
  4. Java Persistence API (JPA): Introduce JPA for object-relational mapping and database interaction in Java applications.
  5. Spring Framework: Familiarize participants with the Spring framework for building modular and enterprise-grade Java applications.
  6. Hibernate Framework: Introduce the Hibernate framework for ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) and database management.
  7. Web Services: Explore the concepts of web services and how to create and consume them in Java applications.
  8. MVC Architecture: Provide insights into the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and its implementation in Java web applications.
  9. Security in Java: Cover security aspects in Java applications, including authentication, authorization, and secure coding practices.

    • Solid understanding of core Java concepts.
    • Familiarity with object-oriented programming (OOP) principles.
    • Knowledge of Java collections framework.
    • Understanding of multithreading and concurrency concepts.
    • Awareness of Java I/O and exception handling.
    • Experience with using and navigating Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).
Course Curriculum

  • About Java Platforms
  • Applications of Java
  • About API (Application Programming Interface)
  • Static Blocks
  • Introduction to interfaces
  • Runtime Polymorphism

  • What is Persistence?
  • File management system
  • Disadvantages of File management system
  • Database management system
  • Advantages of Database management system

  • Introduction to JDBC
    • Why JDBC? & ODBC Vs JDBC
    • Approch-1 Vendor specific library
    • Disadvantages
    • Approch-2 X/Open standards
    • Disadvantages
    • Approch-3 ODBC standards
    • Disadvantages
    • Approch-4 JDBC standards
    • Advantages
  • JDBC API and JDBC Drivers
    • About JDBC API
    • What is a JDBC Driver?
    • JDBC architecture
    • Types of JDBC Drivers
    • JDBC-ODBC bridge driver
    • Advantages & Disadvantages
    • Native API Partly Java Driver
    • Advantages & Disadvantages
    • Net-Protocol all/pure java driver
    • Advantages & Disadvantages
    • Native-Protocol pure java driver
    • Advantages
    • JDBC Packages
    • Java.sql, Javax.sql
    • Interfaces and classes in above packages
    • Versions of JDBC API
    • Steps for developing JDBC application
  • SQL
    • Introduction to SQL
    • Types of SQL queries
  • Establishing Connection to Database
    • About DriverManager class
    • Methods of DriverManager
    • What is registering driver with DriverManager
    • Different methods of registering driver with DriverManager
    • About getConnection method of DriverManager
    • Syntax of URL to communicate with database
    • Autoloading of class driver in JDBC 4.0
    • Example with Application
  • Statement interface
    • What is Statement? & Need of Statement
    • Characteristics of Statement
    • How to get Statement object?
    • Methods of Statement
    • Passing SQL statements to Database
    • About execute, executeUpdate, executeQuery, largeExecute Updates methods
    • Example with Application
  • PreparedStatement interface
    • What is PreparedStatement?
    • Need of PreparedStatement
    • Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement
    • How to get PreparedStaement object
    • Defining parameters
    • How to pass values to PerparedStatement object
    • What is SQL Injection attack & how to overcome
    • Example with Application
  • Resultset Interface
    • What is ResultSet?
    • Need of ResultSet
    • How to get resultset object
    • Methods of ResultSet
    • Reading data, Various types of ResultSet
    • Resultset types
    • Resultset modes
    • Example with Application
  • SQL 99 Datatypes
    • BLOB
    • Inserting blob type, Reading blob type
    • CLOB
    • Inserting clob type, Reading clob type
    • Array, Inserting array type
    • Reading array type
    • Object, Inserting object
    • Reading object
    • Example with Application
  • Metadata
    • Resultset Metadata
    • Need of ResultsetMetaData
    • How to get metadata
    • Database Metadata
    • How to get database metadata
    • Parameterized metadata
    • How to get parameterized metadata
    • Example with Application
  • CallableStatement
    • About CallableStatement
    • Advantage of CallableStatement
    • Creating CallableStatement object
    • Calling Procedure using CallableStatement
    • Calling functions using Callable Statement
    • About PL/SQL Programming vs Manual on Batch Queries
  • Batch updates
    • What is batch processing
    • Batch updates using Statement object
    • Batch updates using PreparedStatement object
  • Transaction Management
    • Transaction Definition
    • ACID Properties
    • Atomicity, Consistency,Isolation, Durability
    • Methods in Transaction Management
    • setAutoCommit(), setSavePoint()
    • commit(), rollback()
    • Example with All Application
  • Connection Pooling
    • What is connection pooling?
    • Advantages of connection pooling
    • Disadvantage of DriverManager
    • About DataSource
    • JDBC connection pooling
    • Isolation Levels
    • Example with Application
  • RowSet
    • What is RowSet?
    • What is difference between ResultSet and RowSet
    • Types of RowSets
    • JdbcRowSet
    • CachedRowSet
    • WebRowSet
    • Example with Application
  • Communicating with difference databases
    • Communicating with MYSQL
    • Working with CSV filesb
    • Communicating with MS-EXCEL
    • Communicating with PostgreSql
    • Example with Application
  • JDBC 4.0 Features
    • Auto-loading of JDBC driver class
    • Connection management enhancements
    • Support for RowId SQL type
    • DataSet implementation of SQL using Annotations
    • SQL exception handling enhancements
    • SQL XML support
    • Example with Application
  • Working With Properties File
    • Working With Date Values
    • Procedure To Create Desktop icon (jar file execution)

  • JEE
    • JEE technology
    • Components of JEE technology
    • What is Enterprises Application
    • What is Web Application
    • Types of Web Application
    • Presentation Oriented Web Application
    • Service Oriented Web Application
    • About Web Client, About WebServer
    • About ApplicationServer
    • Diff Between WebServer And Application Server
  • Introduction
    • Server side technologies
    • Need of server side technologies
    • Client side technologies
    • What is Servlet? & Advantages of Servlet
    • Difference between CGI and Servlet
  • Servlet API
    • Versions of Servlet API
    • Packages of Servlet API
    • About Servlet Container
    • Responsibilities of Servlet Container
  • HTTP Protocol
    • What is HTTP?
    • What is HTTP Request format & Response format
  • Developing Servlet
    • Servlet interface
    • Methods of Servlet interface
    • Developing servlet by implementing Servlet interface
    • Life cycle methods of Servlet
    • Webapplication directory structure
    • Deployment descriptor file (web.xml)
    • What is deployment?
    • Types of deployments
    • Deployment, Console deployment
    • Tool deployment
    • Deployment webapplication in tomcat server
    • URL patterns
  • Developing And Deploying Servlet Apps in Diff Servers Like
    • Tomcat Server
    • JBoss Server / WildFly
    • Weblogic Server
    • GlassFish
  • ServletRequest
    • Methods of ServletRequest
    • About request parameters
    • About request headers
  • ServletResponse
    • Methods of ServletResponse
    • MIME types
    • Generating response
  • ServletConfig
    • What is ServletConfig?
    • What is need of ServletConfig
    • Methods of ServletConfig
    • Different ways of getting ServletConfig object.
    • Defining config initial parameters in web.xml
  • GenericServlet
    • What is GenericServlet?
    • Methods of GenericServlet
    • About init(ServletConfig),init() method
  • Working with welcome-file
    • Configuring welcome-file in web.xml
  • Methods of loading Servlet
    • About load on start up
    • When client send first request
  • ServletContext
    • What is ServletContext?, Need of ServletContext
    • Methods of ServletContext
    • Different ways of getting ServletContext object
    • Context init parameters
    • Defining Context init parameters in web.xml
  • HttpServlet
    • What is HttpServlet?
    • Methods of HttpServlet
    • HTTP Request methods
    • About public service and protected service methods
    • About doXXX() methods
    • Difference between GenericServlet and HttpServlet
    • Diff Between doGet(-,-) and doPost(-,-) methods
  • HttpServletRequest
    • HttpServletRequest VS ServletRequest
    • How to read request parameters of HttpServletRequest
    • How to read request headers of HttpServletRequest
  • HttpServletResponse
    • HttpServletResponse VS ServletResponse
    • About HttpServletResponse methods
    • Response status codes
  • Html To Servlet Communication
  • Form Validations
  • Different Types of Form Components
  • Working With Multiple Hyperlinks
  • Working With Multiple Submit Buttons
  • War File Creation
  • Servlet To DataBase Software Communication
  • RequestDispatching
    • What is RequestDispatcher?
    • What is need of RequestDispatcher?
    • RequestDispatching methods
    • Include
    • Forward
    • Difference between include and forward methods
    • Getting RequestDispatcher
    • Using ServletRequest
    • UsingServletContext
    • Difference between getting RequestDispatcher using ServletRequest and ServletContext
    • What is Servlet Collaboration?
  • Redirecting
    • About sendRedirect method
    • Difference between sendRedirect and forward methods
    • Response.setStatus, response.setHeader methods
  • Attributes
    • What is Attribute
    • Difference between parameter and attribute
    • Scope of Attributes
    • Request scope, Context scope
    • Session scope
    • Adding, removing and modifying attributes
  • Thread Saftey In Servlet Programming
  • State and Session Management
    • About connectionless protocol
    • About connection oriented protocol
    • Stateless protocol
    • What is state/session management
    • Need of session management
    • Session management methods
    • URL rewriting, Hidden form fields
    • Cookies, HttpSession
  • URL Rewriting
    • What is URL rewriting
    • URL rewriting techniques
    • Disadvantages of URL rewriting
  • Hidden form fields
    • What is hidden form fields
    • Disadvantages of hidden form fields
  • Cookies
    • What is Cookie
    • How to create Cookie
    • Methods of Cookie
    • Types of Cookies
    • Non Persistent Cookie
    • Persistent Cookie
    • How to add cookie to response
    • How to read cookie from request
    • Deleting cookie from servlet
    • Properties of Cookie
    • Disadvantages of Cookies
  • HttpSession
    • What is HttpSession
    • Advantage of HttpSession
    • How to create HttpSession object
    • How to read HttpSession object from request
    • Invalidating HttpSession
    • Using invalidate method
    • Using session config in web.xml
    • By setting time
    • HttpSession attribute
  • Error Handling in Servlet
    • Configuring in web.xml
    • Programmatically
  • Filters
    • What is Filter?
    • Need of Filter & Lifecycle of Filter
    • Filter mapping in web.xml
    • About FilterConfig
    • Defining config parameters in web.xml
    • About FilterChain interface
    • Methods of FilterChain
    • What is Filter chaining?
    • Working with filter chaining
  • Listeners
    • What is Listener?
    • Usage of Listener
    • About Event Delegation Model Architecture
    • Types of Listeners
    • RequestListener
    • ServletContextListener
    • HttpSessionListener
    • Types of Attribute Listener
    • Request AttributeListener
    • HttpSessionAttributeListener
    • ServletContextAttributeListener
    • About Event classes
  • Authentication and Authorization(Security In Servlet Programming)
    • Understanding Authentication Mechanism
    • HTTP basic authentication
    • HTTP Digest authentication
    • HTTPS Client authentication
    • HTTP form based authentication
  • Working Connection Pooling
    • Connection pooling in difference servers
    • Tomcat, Weblogic, Glassfish
    • JBoss Server / WildFly
    • Developing servlet using serverside connection pooling
  • Working with domains
    • Creating domain in weblogic server
    • Deploying webapplication using console
    • Creating domain in glassfish server
    • Deploying webapplication using console
  • Working with Servlet 2.5/3.0/3.1 features
    • Async Servlet
    • File Uploading and Downloading
    • Non-blocking I/O
    • HTTP protocol upgrade mechanism
    • Different Types Of URL Patterns
    • Dynamic Registration Of Servlet (Developing Servlet Program Without web.xml)
  • Annotations in Servlet Programming
    • Introduction to Annotations
    • Types of Annotations
    • Annotations Vs web.xml

  • Introduction
    • What is JSP?
    • Advantages of JSP & Applications of JSP
    • Difference between JSP & Servlet
  • JSP Basics
    • JSP Life cycle, JSP Lifecycle methods
    • jspInit, _jspService
    • jspDestroy, Saving jsp file as a
    • Public resource, Private resouse
    • JSP tags
  • JSP Tags
    • three categories of tags
    • scripting elements, directives
    • standard actions
  • Scripting Elements
    • What is scripting elements
    • Types of scripting elements
    • Declaration tag
    • Expression tag
    • Scriptlet
  • JSP implicit object
    • What is jsp implicit objects
    • Need of jsp implicit objects
    • Implicit objects of jsp
    • Request, Response, Page
    • pageContext, out, session
    • exception, application, config
  • Directives
    • What is directive?
    • Types of directives
    • Page directive, Include directive
    • Taglib directive
  • Standard Actions
    • What is standard action
    • Standard actions
    • <jsp:include>
    • <jsp:forward>
    • <jsp:param>
    • <jsp:useBean>
    • <jsp:setProperty>
    • <jsp:getProperty>
    • Working with <jsp:include>
    • Difference between <jsp:include> and <%@include> directive
    • Working with <jsp:forward>
  • Java Bean
    • What is java bean?
    • Usage of bean
    • Properties of bean
  • Using Java Bean in Jsp
    • About <jsp:useBean>
    • Attributes of <jsp:useBean>
    • Working with scope of bean object
    • Using bean with <jsp:include> and <jsp:forward>
    • Assigning values to bean using <jsp:setProperty>
    • Reading values from bean using <jsp:getProperty>
  • Expression Language
    • What is Expression Language
    • Advantage of Expression Language
    • Syntax of defining expression
    • Basic Operators in EL
    • Implicit objects In EL
    • pageScope, requestScope
    • sessionScope, applicationScope
    • param, paramValues, header
    • headerValues, initParam, cookie
    • pageContext, Defining functions
  • Working JSTL
    • What is JSTL?, Version of JSTL
    • Classification of JSTL tags
    • Core tags, Formatting tags
    • SQL Tags, XML tags
    • JSTL Functions
    • How to use JSTL in webapplication
    • Working with Core tags, Formatting tags & SQL tags
    • Working JSTL functions
  • Custom Tags
    • What is tag?, Java based tag
    • Components of tag library
    • The Tag Handler Class
    • The Tag Library Descriptor File
    • Imports a tag library (referencing URL of descriptor file)
    • Defines tag prefix
    • Uses tags, About tag handler
    • Tag interface, SimpleTag
    • TagSupport, BodyTagSupport
    • SimpleTagSupport
    • Developing tag using SimpleTagSupport class
    • Lifecycle of custom tag
    • Tag hander class with attributes
    • Developing tag with body
  • MVC Architecture
    • MVC Design pattern
    • MVC-1 Page Centric
    • Advantages & Disadvantages
    • MVC-2
  • Developing Project using MVC
Who can learn this course

This course is suitable for individuals who have a strong foundation in Core Java and want to advance their skills. It is particularly beneficial for:

  1. Java Developers: Professionals looking to deepen their knowledge of Java for enterprise-level application development.
  2. Web Developers: Individuals interested in building dynamic and scalable web applications using advanced Java technologies.
  3. Enterprise Application Developers: Those involved in designing and implementing large-scale, distributed systems using Java.
  4. Database Developers: Individuals aiming to integrate Java applications with databases using advanced Java persistence technologies.
  5. System Architects: Professionals involved in designing and architecting complex systems where advanced Java frameworks are essential.
  6. Software Engineers: Those seeking to enhance their proficiency in Java for building sophisticated and scalable software solutions.

The Advanced Java course is designed for developers who want to expand their expertise beyond the basics and explore the advanced features and frameworks that are widely used in enterprise-level Java development.

Average package of course (Advanced Java)

50% Avg
salary hike
50L Avg
Upcoming Batches
Live Training Batches Timetable
Course Name Faculty Date Time Mode of Training Batch Type Meeting Link
Advanced Java Mr. Venkatesh Maipathii 24 Jul 7:30 PM (IST) online Online Training
Advanced Java Mr. Venkatesh Maipathii 24 Jul 7:30 PM (IST) offline Classroom Training
Training Features
Comprehensive Course Curriculum

Elevate your career with essential soft skills training for effective communication, leadership, and professional success.

Experienced Industry Professionals

Learn from trainers with extensive experience in the industry, offering real-world insights.

24/7 Learning Access

Enjoy round-the-clock access to course materials and resources for flexible learning.

Comprehensive Placement Programs

Benefit from specialized programs focused on securing job opportunities post-training.

Hands-on Practice

Learn by doing with hands-on practice, mastering skills through real-world projects

Lab Facility with Expert Mentors

State-of-the-art lab facility, guided by experienced mentors, ensures hands-on learning excellence in every session

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