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Course Overview

The Android Development course is designed to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to create applications for the Android platform. Covering both fundamental and advanced concepts, this course delves into the Android ecosystem, Java/Kotlin programming languages, and best practices for building versatile and user-friendly Android applications.

Learn software skills with real experts, either in live classes with videos or without videos, whichever suits you best.


This course begins with an introduction to the Android platform and the development environment, including Android Studio. Participants will gain a solid understanding of Java/Kotlin programming languages, essential for Android app development. The course progresses to cover topics such as user interface design, user interactions, data storage, and integrating with device features. Practical examples and hands-on projects will be employed to reinforce theoretical concepts and provide participants with practical experience in Android app development.

Course Objectives

The primary objectives of the Android Development course are as follows:

  1. Android Platform Overview: Familiarize participants with the Android ecosystem, its architecture, and key components.
  2. Java/Kotlin Programming: Introduce Java/Kotlin programming languages, emphasizing syntax, data types, and core concepts for Android development.
  3. Android Studio IDE: Provide hands-on experience with Android Studio, the official IDE for Android app development, covering project setup, debugging, and testing.
  4. User Interface Design: Teach principles of designing responsive and visually appealing user interfaces using XML layout files and Android UI components.
  5. User Interactions: Cover handling user inputs, gestures, and events to create interactive and intuitive Android applications.
  6. Data Storage: Introduce methods for managing data within Android applications, including SQLite databases, file storage, and content providers.
  7. Integration of Features: Explore the integration of device features, such as camera, location services, and sensors, into Android applications.
  8. App Deployment: Provide guidance on the process of testing, debugging, and deploying Android applications to the Google Play Store.
  9. Best Practices: Share best practices for Android development, including code organization, performance optimization, and adherence to design guidelines.

    • Basic understanding of Java programming language.
    • Familiarity with XML for designing user interfaces.
    • Knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles.
    • Understanding of Android Studio IDE.
    • Awareness of Android application components (e.g., activities, services).
    • Experience with using and navigating mobile devices and emulators.
Course Curriculum

  • Introduction to Mobile App Development
  • What is Android?
  • Why Android?
  • Features of Android
  • Key features of Android
  • What is Open Source Project?
  • Version wise Features and Drawbacks

  • Applications
  • Android Frameworks
  • Linux Kernel
  • Core Libraries
  • Android Runtime
  • Dalvik virtual Machine

  • System Requirement
  • Java Installation
  • Android Studio Overview
  • Installation of Android Studio
  • Create Android Virtual Device
  • Android Studio Features
  • Android SDK & Tools

  • Hello World Program
  • Android Studio Project Structure
  • Android Resources Organizing & Accessing
  • Alternative Resources
  • Accessing Resources
  • Accessing Resources in Java
  • Accessing Resources in XML
  • Gradle files

  • Introduction & Overview
  • Advantages of XML
  • Rules to writing an XML

  • Relative Layout
  • Linear Layout
  • Table Layout
  • Frame Layout
  • Fragment
  • Constraint Layout
  • Guide line Vertical
  • Guideline Horizontal
  • Space

  • View Pager
  • Tool bar, View, scrollview

  • Relative Layout, Linear Layout, Table Layout

  • TextView
  • Button
  • Checkbox
  • Toggle button
  • Seek Bar
  • Rating bar
  • Radio Button & Radio Group
  • Image View
  • Image Button

  • Plaintext
  • Password & Password (Numeric)
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Postal Address
  • Multiline Text
  • Time & Date
  • Number
  • Number (signed)
  • Number Decimal

  • Activity Life Cycle
  • Intents
  • Broadcast Receivers
  • Services
  • Content provider

  • What Is an Adapter?
  • How Do Adapter Views Work?
  • Creating an Array Adapter
  • Listview with listener
  • Gridview with Listener
  • Spinner with Listener
  • Autocomplete TextView
  • Custom views (List/Grid/Spinner/AutoComplete)

  • Media player & Video view
  • Audio Recording & Video Recording

  • IMEI
  • SMS, Calls & Emails

  • Network checking
  • Manage Active connections

  • How to vibrate the device
  • How to Ringer the device
  • How to Silent the device

  • Controlling Bluetooth
  • Discoverable networks
  • Connect Bluetooth

  • Implicit, Explicit
  • Passing Data Using Intents
  • Start Service

  • Toast
  • Creating a Custom Toast View
  • Progress Dialog Horizontal/Spinner
  • Alert Dialog Predefined
  • Alert Dialog Custom
  • Date Picker Dialog, Time Picker Dialog
  • Dialog Fragment

  • Activity Life Cycle
  • Call back methods In Activity Life Cycle

  • Service Life Cycle
  • Call back methods In Service Life Cycle
  • Types of services

  • What is broad cast Receiver
  • Implementing Broad cast Receiver
  • System Broad casts

  • Basic content provider,
  • Working with content providers

  • What is notification, How to get notification Service
  • Pending Intent

  • Intro to Web services, Architecture of web service
  • Components of Web Services,
  • Advantages of Web Services, Webview

  • Introduction of JSON, Architecture of JSON
  • Types of Request
  • Registration Using JSON Example App with Post Method
  • Spinner/Listview / Gridview Data from Server

  • Using Butter Knife in Android applications
  • Exercise: Using Butter Knife in Android applications
  • Android data binding resources
  • Data binding
  • Using data binding in Android applications
  • Exercise: Using data binding in Android applications
  • Android data binding resources
  • Fragments
  • Introduction & life cycle
  • Fragment Management and integration
  • Fragment transactions & Replace
  • Example Program for Fragments
  • Data Passing between Fragments

  • Shared Preferences
  • File System
  • Splash Screen

  • Introduction to SQLite
  • SQLite Open Helper
  • CRUD operations

  • Introduction, Advantages Active Android
  • Difference between SQLite and Active Android
  • CRUD Operations

  • Introduction to retrofit Library
  • AsyncTask Vs Volley Vs Retrofit
  • AsyncTask disadvantages
  • Retrofit dependency libraries
  • Retrofit convertors, Retrofit Communication process
  • Example programs on retrofit

  • Introduction to Volley Library
  • Volley dependency libraries
  • Volley Communication process
  • Example programs on retrofit

  • Introduction & Overview
  • Material design features
  • Difference between Android UI Components & Material Design Components
  • How to add dependency libraries for your project
  • Floating Labels (Material Design for EditText)
  • Recycler View
  • Tabs With Material Design
  • Material Design Action Bar/App Bar
  • Navigation Drawer & Bottom Navigation
  • Snack Bar & Chips
  • Material Theme
  • Material Components

  • Introduction to Firebase
  • How to Configure Firebase Environment, Database, Storage, Notifications
  • Firebase Hosting
  • Firebase Crash Reporting
  • Firebase Authentication

  • Introduction to location based Services in Android
  • Creating SHA-1 key for your signature
  • Register with Google Console
Who can learn this course

This course is suitable for a diverse range of individuals, including:

  1. Aspiring Android Developers: Individuals looking to start a career in Android app development.
  2. Software Developers: Those aiming to expand their skill set to include Android development for creating native applications.
  3. Students and Graduates: Students pursuing degrees in computer science or related fields with an interest in mobile app development.
  4. Entrepreneurs and Product Managers: Individuals interested in understanding the Android development process to oversee app development projects.
  5. UX/UI Designers: Design professionals seeking insights into designing interfaces for Android applications.
  6. Anyone Interested in App Development: Enthusiasts with curiosity about creating applications for the Android platform.

The Android Development course caters to both beginners and those with some programming experience, offering a structured path to becoming proficient in Android app development.

Average package of course (Android)

50% Avg
salary hike
50L Avg
Training Features
Comprehensive Course Curriculum

Elevate your career with essential soft skills training for effective communication, leadership, and professional success.

Experienced Industry Professionals

Learn from trainers with extensive experience in the industry, offering real-world insights.

24/7 Learning Access

Enjoy round-the-clock access to course materials and resources for flexible learning.

Comprehensive Placement Programs

Benefit from specialized programs focused on securing job opportunities post-training.

Hands-on Practice

Learn by doing with hands-on practice, mastering skills through real-world projects

Lab Facility with Expert Mentors

State-of-the-art lab facility, guided by experienced mentors, ensures hands-on learning excellence in every session

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