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C Language

Course Overview

C Language Online Training

The C Language online course is designed to provide participants with a foundational understanding of the C programming language. C is a powerful and versatile language known for its efficiency and low-level programming capabilities. This course covers the fundamental concepts of C, including syntax, data types, control structures, functions, and memory management.

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C Language Online Training

This C language online course begins with an introduction to the basics of programming and the essential features of the C language. Participants will learn about variables, data types, operators, and control structures, progressing to more advanced topics such as arrays, functions, pointers, and memory management. Practical examples and coding exercises will be used to reinforce theoretical concepts and help participants build hands-on programming skills.

Course Objectives

The primary objectives of the C Language course are as follows:

  1. Introduction to Programming: Provide a foundational understanding of programming concepts and the role of C in software development.
  2. C Syntax and Structure: Cover the syntax and basic structure of the C programming language, including variables, data types, and control structures.
  3. Functions and Modularity: Introduce functions as a key building block in C programming, emphasizing modularity and code reusability.
  4. Arrays and Pointers: Explore the use of arrays and pointers in C, highlighting their significance in efficient memory management.
  5. File Handling: Introduce file handling concepts in C, allowing participants to read from and write to external files.
  6. Dynamic Memory Allocation: Provide an understanding of dynamic memory allocation and deallocation in C through concepts like malloc and free.
  7. Data Structures: Familiarize participants with basic data structures in C, such as linked lists and structures.
  8. Error Handling and Debugging: Teach techniques for error handling, debugging, and writing robust C code.
  9. Programming Practices: Share best practices for writing clear, efficient, and maintainable C code.

    • Basic understanding of computer operations.
    • Familiarity with using a text editor or code editor.
    • Knowledge of basic mathematics (e.g., arithmetic operations).
    • Understanding of variables, data types, and operators.
    • Awareness of control flow statements (e.g., loops, conditionals).
    • Experience with navigating and using online resources for learning.
Course Curriculum

  • Program
  • Programming
  • Programming Languages
  • Types of software
  • Introduction to C
  • History of C
  • Features of C
  • Applications of C
  • Character set, ASCII Table
  • Tokens
  • Keywords
  • Identifiers & Naming Rules
  • constants
  • Data Types
  • Type Qualifiers
  • How does the data stored in Computers Memory
  • Variables
  • Variable Declaration
  • Variable Assignment
  • Variable Initialization
  • Comments
  • Defining Constants
  • MCQs

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Arithmetic expressions
  • Evaluation of expressions
  • Relational operators
  • Logical operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Increment & decrement operators
  • Conditional operator
  • Bitwise operators
  • Type casting
  • Size of operator
  • Comma operator
  • Operators Precedence and Associativity
  • Expressions
  • Evaluation of Expressions
  • MCQs

  • Input-Output Library Functions
  • Non-formatted Input and Output
  • Character oriented Library functions
  • Compiler, Linker and Loader
  • Program execution phases
  • Formatted Library Functions
  • Mathematical Library Functions
  • Structure of a C Program
  • IDE
  • Basic programs
  • MCQs

  • Conditional Control Statements
  • Multiple Branching Control Structure
  • Loop Control statements
  • Nested Loops
  • Jump Control structures
  • Programs
  • MCQs

  • Arrays
  • One dimensional arrays
  • Declaration of 1D arrays
  • Initialization of 1D arrays
  • Accessing element of 1D arrays
  • Reading and displaying elements
  • Programs on 1D Arrays
  • Two dimensional arrays
  • Declaration of 2D arrays
  • Initialization of 2D arrays
  • Accessing element of 2D arrays
  • Reading and displaying elements
  • Programs on 2D Arrays
  • Three dimensional arrays
  • MCQs

  • String Concept
  • Introduction to String in C
  • Storing Strings
  • The string Delimiter
  • String Literals (String Constants)
  • Strings and Characters
  • Declaring Strings
  • Initializing Strings
  • Strings and the Assignment Operator
  • String Input Functions / Reading Strings
  • String Output Functions / Writing Strings
  • String Input-Output using fscanf() and fprintf() Functions
  • Single Character Library Functions / Character Manipulation in the String
  • String Manipulation Library Functions
  • Programs Using Character Arrays
  • Array of Strings (2D Character Arrays)
  • Programs Using Array of Strings
  • MCQs

  • Understanding Memory Addresses
  • Pointer Operators
  • Pointer
  • Pointer Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Declaration of Pointer Variables
  • Initialization of Pointer Variables
  • Dereferencing / Redirecting Pointer Variables
  • Declaration versus Redirection
  • Void Pointer
  • Null Pointer
  • Compatibility
  • Array of Pointers
  • Pointer to Pointer
  • Pointer Arithmetic
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions

  • Functions
  • Advantages of using functions
  • Defining a function
  • Calling a function
  • Return statement
  • Function Prototype
  • Basic Function Designs
  • Programs Using Functions
  • Scope
  • Recursion
  • Iteration vs Recursion
  • Nested functions
  • Variable Length Number of Arguments
  • Parameter Passing Techniques - Call by value & Call by Address
  • Functions Returning Pointers
  • Pointers and One-Dimensional Arrays
  • Pointers and Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • Passing 1D arrays to Functions
  • Passing 2D arrays to Functions
  • Pointers and Strings
  • Passing Strings to Functions
  • Pointer to Function
  • MCQs

  • Object Attributes
  • Scope
  • Extent
  • Linkage
  • auto
  • static
  • extern
  • register
  • MCQs

  • The #include Preprocessor Directive & User defined header files
  • The #define Preprocessor Directive: Symbolic Constants
  • The #define Preprocessor Directive: Macros
  • Conditional Compilation Directives
  • #if
  • #else
  • #elif
  • #endif
  • #ifdef
  • #ifndef
  • #undef
  • #error
  • #line
  • #pragma
  • MCQs

  • Structures
  • Structure Type Declaration
  • Structure Variable Declaration
  • Initialization of Structure
  • Accessing the members of a structure
  • Programs Using Structures
  • Operations on Structures (Copying and Comparing Structures)
  • Nested structures (Complex Structures)
  • Structures Containing Arrays (Complex Structures)
  • Array of Structures (Complex Structures)
  • Pointer to Structure
  • Accessing structure member through pointer using dynamic memory allocation
  • Pointers within Structures
  • Self-referential structures
  • Passing Structures to Functions
  • Functions returning Structures
  • Unions
  • Differences between Structures & Unions
  • Enumerated Types / enum keyword
  • Enumerated Types / enum keyword
  • Bit fields
  • MCQs

  • Concept of a file
  • Streams
  • Text File and Binary Files
  • State of a File
  • Opening and Closing Files
  • File Input / Output Functions
  • Formatted Input-Output Functions
  • Character Input-Output Functions
  • Line Input-Output Functions
  • Block Input-Output Functions
  • File Status Functions (Error Handling)
  • Positioning Functions
  • System File Operations
  • MCQs

  • Initialization of graphics
  • Drawing shapes using pre-defined functions
  • Finding the resolution of screen
  • Setting colors to text and window
  • Font settings
  • Fill styles
  • Basic GUI applications
Who can learn this course

This course is suitable for a diverse range of individuals, including:

  1. Beginners in Programming: Individuals with little or no programming experience looking to start their programming journey with a solid foundation in C.
  2. Computer Science Students: Students pursuing degrees in computer science or related fields aiming to strengthen their programming skills.
  3. Software Developers: Professionals who want to learn or enhance their knowledge of the C language for systems programming, embedded systems, or low-level development.
  4. System Programmers: Those involved in system-level programming or operating system development where C is commonly used.
  5. Enthusiasts and Hobbyists: Individuals interested in understanding the fundamentals of programming using the C language.

The C Language course is structured to accommodate both beginners and individuals with some programming experience, providing a comprehensive understanding of C programming fundamentals.

Average package of course (C Language)

50% Avg
salary hike
50L Avg
Training Features
Comprehensive Course Curriculum

Elevate your career with essential soft skills training for effective communication, leadership, and professional success.

Experienced Industry Professionals

Learn from trainers with extensive experience in the industry, offering real-world insights.

24/7 Learning Access

Enjoy round-the-clock access to course materials and resources for flexible learning.

Comprehensive Placement Programs

Benefit from specialized programs focused on securing job opportunities post-training.

Hands-on Practice

Learn by doing with hands-on practice, mastering skills through real-world projects

Lab Facility with Expert Mentors

State-of-the-art lab facility, guided by experienced mentors, ensures hands-on learning excellence in every session

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