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Django Online Training with Rest API

Course Overview

Explore Django Online Training for a complete learning experience. Django Online Training includes expert guidance and practical exercises for web development.

Naresh IT's Django Online Training and Classroom Training course on Django with REST API is meticulously crafted to equip learners with a robust grasp of web development using Django framework, emphasizing the construction of RESTful APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Our comprehensive program delves into vital Django components such as model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, seamless database integration, and proficient development of RESTful APIs. Through our Django Online Training, participants will acquire hands-on expertise in crafting web applications using Django and deploying efficient RESTful services.

Learn Django Online Training with real experts, either in live Django Online Training classes with videos or without videos, whichever suits you best.


Get started with Django Online Training to build dynamic web applications. Our Django Online Training offers hands-on learning and expert insights.. The Django Online Training course begins with an introduction to Django, emphasizing its role in simplifying web development. Participants will learn about Django's MVC architecture, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), and URL routing. The course then delves into the development of RESTful APIs, covering topics such as serializers, views, authentication, and API testing. Practical examples, Django Online Training with hands-on projects, and real-world scenarios will be used to reinforce theoretical concepts.

Course Objectives

The primary objectives of the Django Online Training course are as follows:

  1. Introduction to Django: Provide an overview of the Django framework and its advantages in web development.
  2. Django MVC Architecture: Understand the model-view-controller architecture used in Django applications.
  3. Database Integration: Gain skills in integrating databases with Django using its built-in ORM.
  4. Django URL Routing: Learn how to define and manage URLs for handling different views in Django.
  5. RESTful API Concepts: Understand the principles and concepts of RESTful API design.
  6. Django REST Framework: Explore the Django REST Framework, a powerful toolkit for building Web APIs with Django.
  7. Serializers: Learn how to use serializers in Django to convert complex data types, such as Django models, into native Python data types.
  8. Views and Endpoints: Develop views and endpoints for handling API requests and responses.
  9. Authentication and Permissions: Implement authentication mechanisms and set permissions for API access control.
  10. API Testing: Explore techniques for testing Django REST APIs to ensure reliability and functionality.

Transform your web development skills with Django Online Training. The Django Online Training program delivers expert instruction and real-world projects

  • Django Online Training Pre-requisites:

    • Basic understanding.of Python programming language.
    • Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and basic web development concepts.
    • Knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles.
    • Understanding of relational databases and SQL.
    • Awareness of web frameworks and MVC architecture.
    • Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git).

    Learn Django effectively with Django Online Training. Django Online Training provides a thorough understanding of Django framework and practical application.

Course Curriculum

  • Overview of Django and its features
  • Installation and setup
  • Creating a new Django project
  • Understanding the project structure
  • Creating a Django app

  • How to install django
  • ATOM IDE/Editor
  • Speciality of ATOM IDE
  • How to configure Atom for Python
  • Django Project vs Django Application
  • How to create Django Project
  • How to run Django Development server
  • How to send first request
  • Role of Web Server
  • Creation of First web application
  • Activities required for Application
  • Http Request flow in Django Application
  • Summary of sequence of activities related to Django Project
  • How to change Django Server Port
  • Various Practice Applications
  • Definingurlpatterns at application level instead of project level

  • Creating and rendering templates
  • Template language and syntax
  • Template inheritance and blocks
  • Working with static files (CSS, JavaScript, images)
  • Template tags and filters

  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Creating views and mapping them to URLs
  • URL patterns and routing
  • Class-based views and mixins
  • Working with request and response objects

  • Working with models and fields
  • Defining relationships between models (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)
  • Database migrations
  • Querying the database using Django ORM
  • Using Django admin for CRUD operations

  • Creating HTML forms
  • Handling form submissions
  • Form validation and error handling
  • Model forms for database interaction
  • File uploads and form processing

  • Template Inheritance
  • How to implement template inheritance
  • Advantages of Template Inheritance
  • How to add seperatecss files to child templates
  • Template Filters
  • Syntax of Template Filter
  • How to create our own filter
  • Template Tags for urls

  • Session Management By using Cookies
  • How to test our browser supports Cookies or not
  • Limitations of Cookies
  • Temporary vs Permanent Cookies
  • Session Management By using Session API(Django Session Framework)
  • Important Methods related to Session
  • Browser Length Sessions and Persistent Sessions

  • User registration and login
  • Authentication middleware
  • User authentication decorators
  • Password resets and email confirmation
  • User authorization and permissions

  • Class Based Views(CBVs)
  • Template Based Application by using Class Based Views
  • How to send context parameters
  • ListView
  • How to create template file for ListView
  • How to provide our own context object name
  • How to configure our own template file at project level
  • DetailView
  • Django CRUD Operations
  • CreateView class
  • UpdateView class
  • DeleteView class
  • CRUD Operations by using Function Based Views(FBVs)
  • Differences between CBVs and FBVs

  • Django ORM
  • How to find Query associated with QuerySet
  • How to filter records based on some condition
  • Various possible Field Look ups
  • How to implement OR Queries in Django ORM
  • How to implement AND Queries in Django ORM
  • How to implement NOT Queries in Django ORM
  • How to perform Union operation for query sets of the same or different models
  • How to select only some columns in the queryset
  • Aggregate Functions
  • How to Create, Update, Delete Records
  • How to add multiple records at a time
  • How to Delete a Single Record
  • How to Delete Multiple Records
  • How to Delete all Records(Truncate Operation in SQL)
  • How to Update Field of a Particular Record
  • How to Order queryset in Sorting Order

  • Model Inheritance
  • Abstract Base Class Model Inheritance
  • Multi table Inheritance
  • Multilevel Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Model Manager
  • How to define our own Custom Manager
  • Proxy Model Inheritance

  • Building RESTful APIs with Django Rest Framework
  • Serializers and viewsets
  • Authentication and permissions for APIs
  • API documentation using Swagger
  • Consuming APIs in Django

  • Writing tests for Django applications (unit tests, integration tests)
  • Using Django's testing framework
  • Debugging Django applications
  • Django Debug Toolbar
  • Logging and error handling

  • Caching techniques in Django
  • Using caching middleware and decorators
  • Database query optimization
  • Performance profiling and optimization
  • Load testing and performance tuning

  • Working with formsets
  • Customizing form fields and widgets
  • Form validation and error handling techniques
  • Dynamic forms and form wizards
  • Advanced form processing techniques

  • Understanding common web security vulnerabilities
  • Protecting against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection
  • Secure Session management
  • Authentication and authorization best practices

  • Using Django signals for decoupled communication
  • Implementing custom signals and receivers
  • Introduction to asynchronous programming with Django
  • Task queues and background processing (Celery)
  • Periodic tasks with Celery Beat

  • Configuring settings for production
  • Deploying Django on a web server (e.g., Nginx, Apache)
  • Handling static files and media uploads
  • Scaling Django applications

  • Introduction to WebSockets and their advantages
  • Setting up WebSockets with Django Channels
  • Building real-time applications with Django Channels
  • Implementing chat functionality using WebSockets
  • Broadcasting events and handling asynchronous tasks

  • Planning and structuring a Django project
  • Building a complete web application from scratch
  • Integrating multiple Django features and concepts
  • Implementing user authentication and authorization
  • Testing, debugging, and deploying the project

  • What is Flask?
  • Setting up Flask environment (installation and virtual environments)
  • Hello World example in Flask
  • Understanding Flask's routing system
  • Flask application structure

  • Creating routes and handling HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.)
  • Rendering templates with Jinja2
  • Static files and assets management
  • Request and response objects in Flask
  • Redirects and error handling
  • URL parameters and dynamic routing

  • Creating HTML forms
  • Handling form submissions in Flask
  • Form validation and error handling
  • Using WTForms for form handling
  • CSRF protection

  • Database integration (SQLite, PostgreSQL, or other databases)
  • Working with SQLAlchemy or Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
  • Database migrations with Flask-Migrate
  • ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) concepts

  • User registration and login systems
  • Password hashing and security
  • User Sessions and cookies
  • Role-based access control
  • Authentication with Flask-Login or Flask-Principal

  • Introduction to RESTful architecture
  • Building RESTful APIs with Flask
  • Handling HTTP methods for APIs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • JSON serialization and deserialization
  • API authentication and token-based authentication

  • Deploying Flask applications (e.g., with Gunicorn, uWSGI, or Docker)
  • Setting up a production environment
  • Load balancing and scaling strategies
  • Security best practices (e.g., HTTPS, CORS)
  • Monitoring and logging

  • Flask extensions and plugins
  • WebSocket integration with Flask-SocketIO
  • Flask-RESTPlus for API documentation
  • Testing Flask applications (unit testing, integration testing)
  • Building a real-world project
Who can learn this course

This Django Online Training is suitable for a diverse range of individuals, including:

  1. Web Developers: Professionals looking to enhance their web development skills with Django and RESTful API design.
  2. Python Developers: Individuals familiar with Python programming and wanting to explore web development using Django.
  3. Full Stack Developers: Those interested in becoming proficient in both frontend and backend development with Django.
  4. Students and Graduates: Those pursuing degrees in computer science or related fields with an interest in web development.
  5. Application Developers: Individuals working on applications that require backend services with RESTful APIs.
  6. Entrepreneurs and Startup Founders: Those looking to build scalable web applications and APIs for their ventures.
  7. Technical Enthusiasts: Anyone eager to learn Django and REST API development for personal or professional projects.

Boost your career with Django Online Training. Our Django Online Training covers key concepts and hands-on practice to excel in web development.

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Training Features
Comprehensive Course Curriculum

Elevate your career with essential soft skills training for effective communication, leadership, and professional success.

Experienced Industry Professionals

Learn from trainers with extensive experience in the industry, offering real-world insights.

24/7 Learning Access

Enjoy round-the-clock access to course materials and resources for flexible learning.

Comprehensive Placement Programs

Benefit from specialized programs focused on securing job opportunities post-training.

Hands-on Practice

Learn by doing with hands-on practice, mastering skills through real-world projects

Lab Facility with Expert Mentors

State-of-the-art lab facility, guided by experienced mentors, ensures hands-on learning excellence in every session

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