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Course Overview

The Asp. Net MVC Core Online Training course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to develop modern, scalable, and cross-platform web applications using the ASP.NET Core framework. ASP.NET Core is an open-source, high-performance framework that allows developers to build cloud-ready, modular, and efficient web applications. This course covers the key concepts, features, and best practices for developing web applications with ASP.NET Core.

Learn Asp.Net MVC Core Online Training  skills with real experts, either in live Asp.Net MVC Core Online Training classes  with videos or without videos, whichever suits you best.


This Asp.Net MVC Core Online Training course begins with an introduction to ASP.NET Core, covering its architecture, cross-platform capabilities, and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. Asp.Net MVC Core Online Training Participants will learn how to build web applications using ASP.NET Core, including topics such as routing, middleware, Razor views, and data access with Entity Framework Core. The Asp.Net MVC Core Online Training course also explores aspects like authentication, authorization, and deployment of ASP.NET Core applications. Practical examples, hands-on exercises, and real-world scenarios will be used to reinforce theoretical concepts.

Course Objectives

The primary objectives of the Asp.Net MVC Core Online Training  course are as follows:

  1. Introduction to ASP.NET Core: Provide an overview of ASP.NET Core, its architecture, and the advantages of using this framework for web development.
  2. ASP.NET Core MVC: Introduce the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and its implementation in ASP.NET Core for building structured and maintainable web applications.
  3. Routing and Middleware: Cover routing concepts and middleware in ASP.NET Core to handle requests and responses effectively.
  4. Razor Views: Explore Razor views for creating dynamic and interactive web pages in ASP.NET Core applications.
  5. Entity Framework Core: Familiarize participants with Entity Framework Core for data access and database interactions in ASP.NET Core applications.
  6. Authentication and Authorization: Provide an understanding of authentication and authorization mechanisms in ASP.NET Core for securing web applications.
  7. Web API Development: Introduce the development of Web APIs using ASP.NET Core for building RESTful services.
  8. Dependency Injection: Cover the principles of dependency injection in ASP.NET Core for managing and injecting dependencies.
  9. Testing and Debugging: Teach techniques for testing and debugging ASP.NET Core applications to ensure reliability and maintainability.
  10. Deployment: Explore deployment strategies for ASP.NET Core applications, including hosting on different platforms.

  • Asp.Net MVC Core Online Training Pre-Requisites

    • Basic understanding of C# programming language.
    • Familiarity with .NET framework and its components.
    • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Understanding of MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
    • Awareness of database concepts and SQL.
    • Experience with using and navigating Visual Studio IDE.
Course Curriculum

  • Windows Applications Vs Web Applications Vs Distributed Applications
  • Client / Server Architecture Application
  • What are Client and Server
  • Role of Web Server
  • IIS (Internet Information Services)
  • Creating a new Website on IIS

  • Classical ASP
  • Drawback Of classical ASP
  • Evolution Of ASP.NET - Web Forms
  • Evolution Of ASP.NET - MVC

  • Introduction to Design Patterns
  • Architecture Patterns
  • Intro to MVC
  • ASP.NET Web Forms (Vs) ASP.NET MVC
  • List of Versions of ASP.NET MVC
  • MVC Architecture, what is MVC?
  • What is Controller and Action Method
  • What is View & What is Model
  • Request Flow in ASP.NET MVC

  • Creating New Project in Visual Studio
  • Overview of Folders and files of MVC project

  • Introduction
  • Creating Controllers Manually and by using Scaffolding
  • Action Methods in Controllers
  • Parameters to Action methods

  • Overview
  • Need of URL Routing, Parameters in URL
  • Default Parameter Values
  • Literals in URL

  • Introduction
  • Action Results and various types of Action Results
  • Action Methods returning Action Results
  • Creating a Razor View
  • Shared Views
  • View Engines
  • ASPX View Engine Vs Razor View Engines
  • Razor Programming

  • View Data
  • View Bag
  • Temp Data
  • Sessions
  • Anonymous Methods
  • Strongly Typed Models

  • With HTML Controls
  • With HTML Helpers
  • With Strongly Typed HTML Helpers

  • Need of Partial Views
  • Development and Consumption of Partial Views
  • Html.Partial
  • Html.RenderPartial
  • Html.RenderAction

  • Introduction and need of Layout Views
  • Default Layout View (_Layout.cshtml)
  • Creating custom Layout Views
  • Layout Views with Sections
  • Html.RenderSection()
  • _ViewStart.cshtml
  • Overriding _ViewStart.cshtml

  • Need of Minification and Bundling
  • BundleConfig.cs
  • ScriptBundles and StyleBundles
  • Importing ScriptBundles and StyleBundles
  • Creating and consuming custom bundles

  • What is an Area in MVC Application?
  • Need and creation of MVC Area
  • Area Registration and Configuration

  • Introduction
  • Model level validations (vs) View level validations
  • Importing jQuery Validation Plug in
  • [Required], [RegularExpression]
  • [Range], [StringLength], [Compare]
  • [Remote], ModelState.IsValid, Custom Validations
  • [Display], [Datatype], [DisplayFormat], [ScaffoldColumn]

  • Introduction to LINQ
  • What is LINQ to SQL
  • Performing CRUD Operation using LINQ to SQL

  • Introduction to Entity Framework
  • Various Approaches in EF
  • Understanding DbContext and DbSet
  • Entity Framework DB First
  • Entity Framework Code First
  • Entity Framework Model First

  • Need of Scaffolding
  • Creating controllers and views using scaffold
  • Understanding Index, Details, Create, Edit, Delete action methods and views

  • Introduction to Filters
  • ChildActionOnly, OutputCache, ValidateInput
  • ValidateAntiForgeryToken, HandleError
  • Action Filters, Result Filters, Authorization Filters
  • Exception Filters, Custom Filters
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Types of Authentications
  • AllowAnonymous

  • Introduction and need of JQuery in MVC
  • Importing/Updating JQuery plug in and Demos
  • Implementing Auto fill Textbox’s using JQuery AJAX
  • JTable and MVC Grid Controls

  • Introduction to distributed applications
  • Web Services Vs WCF Vs Web API
  • Understanding HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Creating API Controller and API configuration
  • Calling Web API from JQuery
  • CRUD operations using JQuery AJAX with Web API
  • Enabling CORS
  • Consuming Web API from MVC Project

  • What is SPA
  • Need of SPA and Getting started
  • Angular Integration
Who can learn this course

This Asp.Net MVC Core Online Training course is suitable for a diverse range of individuals, including:

  1. Web Developers: Professionals looking to build modern, scalable, and cross-platform web applications using ASP.NET Core.
  2. ASP.NET Developers: Individuals familiar with earlier versions of ASP.NET wanting to upgrade their skills to ASP.NET Core.
  3. Full-Stack Developers: Those interested in developing both front-end and back-end components of web applications using ASP.NET Core.
  4. Software Engineers: Individuals aiming to enhance their proficiency in web development by mastering ASP.NET Core.
  5. System Architects: Professionals involved in designing and architecting systems where ASP.NET Core is a key component.
  6. DevOps Engineers: Individuals interested in deploying and managing ASP.NET Core applications in production environments.
  7. Students and Graduates: Those pursuing degrees in computer science or related fields with an interest in modern web development using ASP.NET Core.

The Asp.Net MVC Core Online Training course is designed to cater to both beginners and individuals with some web development experience, providing a comprehensive understanding of ASP.NET Core and practical skills for building contemporary web applications.

Average package of course (ASP.NET MVC 8 + MVC Core)

50% Avg
salary hike
50L Avg
Training Features
Comprehensive Course Curriculum

Elevate your career with essential soft skills training for effective communication, leadership, and professional success.

Experienced Industry Professionals

Learn from trainers with extensive experience in the industry, offering real-world insights.

24/7 Learning Access

Enjoy round-the-clock access to course materials and resources for flexible learning.

Comprehensive Placement Programs

Benefit from specialized programs focused on securing job opportunities post-training.

Hands-on Practice

Learn by doing with hands-on practice, mastering skills through real-world projects

Lab Facility with Expert Mentors

State-of-the-art lab facility, guided by experienced mentors, ensures hands-on learning excellence in every session

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