35+ HTML CSS JavaScript Interview Questions for Freshers

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Becoming a Skilled Front-End Developer:

To excel as a Front-End Developer, it's crucial to master HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—three core technologies that form the backbone of modern web development. These tools are essential for crafting interactive, visually appealing web applications that deliver seamless performance across different devices and platforms.

Why Choose HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?

  • Industry Standard: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the cornerstones of web development, widely trusted by organizations to build responsive, interactive, and user-focused websites. They are proven technologies that have shaped the modern web.

  • Rich Ecosystem: These languages come with a vast array of open-source libraries and frameworks, providing developers with the flexibility to choose the best tools for each project. This rich ecosystem empowers you to achieve your goals efficiently, no matter the complexity.

  • Stay Competitive: In today’s fast-paced digital world, creating engaging user experiences and ensuring top-notch performance across all devices are key challenges. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript offer the versatility and power needed to meet these challenges, giving you a competitive edge in the industry.

  • Broad Applications: From designing user interfaces to managing dynamic content, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript offer a wide range of capabilities. Mastering these technologies will significantly improve the quality, efficiency, and scalability of your web development projects.

  1. What are pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, and how can they be used?

    Pseudo-elements: Used to style specific parts of an element, not directly accessible through HTML.
    Syntax: selector::pseudo-element (e.g., p::first-letter )
    Common uses:

    • Styling the first letter or line of text (::first-letter, ::first-line)

    • Adding content before or after an element (::before, ::after)

    • Creating custom tooltips or markers

    Pseudo-classes: Used to style elements based on their state or user interaction.
    Syntax: selector:pseudo-class (e.g., a:hover)
    Common Uses:

    • Changing styles on hover or focus (:hover, :focus)

    • Targeting elements based on position (:first-child :last-child)

    • Styling visited/unvisited links (visited)

  2. Describe the cascade in CSS and its impact on style application.

    The cascade determines how multiple CSS declarations that target the same element are resolved. It considers:

    • Source order: When specificity is equal, whichever rule appears last generally wins.

    • Specificity: More specific selectors have higher priority.

    • Importance: Declarations with !important override specificity (use with caution). 

  3.  How can you center an element horizontally and vertically using CSS?
    • Horizontal centering:

      • Text-align: Works for inline content (e.g., text-align: center on the parent element)

      • Margins: Setting margin: 0 auto on a block-level element with a defined width.

      • Flexbox: .parent { display: flex; justify-content: center; }

    • Vertical centering:

      • Flexbox: .parent { display: flex; align-items: center; }

      • Transforms: position: absolute, top:50%, transform: translateY(-50%); (requires height to be known)

  4.  Explain the purpose of the z-index property and how it controls element stacking order.

    z-index: A property that controls the stacking order of positioned elements (elements with a position value other than the default static).
    How it works: Elements with higher z-index values appear on top of elements with lower z-index values. Elements with the same z-index stack based on their appearance order in the HTML.
    Caveat: z-index creates stacking contexts and can affect the stacking of child elements unexpectedly.

  5.  What are CSS preprocessors (e.g., Sass, LESS) and why are they used?

    CSS preprocessors: Languages that extend CSS, adding features like variables, functions, nesting, and mixins. Code is then compiled into regular CSS.

    • Modularity and reusability: Makes code more organized and easier to maintain.

    • Readability: Improved syntax helps with writing clean and concise code.

    • Productivity: Features like nesting help writing CSS faster.

  6. How can you create a responsive navigation bar using CSS?

    Media queries: Target different screen widths to adjust the styling of the navigation bar (e.g., toggle between horizontal and vertical menu).
    Flexbox: Use Flexbox's properties to control the alignment and dynamic resizing of navigation elements.
    Mobile-first approach: Consider designing for smaller screens first, then enhance for larger layouts.

  7.  What are the benefits of using CSS animations and transitions, and how do they differ?
    • CSS animations:

      • Benefits: Create complex visual effects like movement, transformation, or color changes over time.

      • Example: Simulate loading spinners, page transitions, or element appearances.

    • CSS transitions:

      • Benefits: Smoothly change the value of one or more CSS properties over a specified duration.

      • Example: Create smooth hover effects, button animations, or subtle element resizing.

  8. Explain the concept of float and its potential limitations in responsive design.

    Float: A property that allows elements to float to the left or right of their container, allowing text to wrap around them.
    Limitations in responsive design:

    • Can cause unexpected layout issues when screen sizes change, as elements might overlap or break in unexpected ways.

    • Difficult to maintain responsive layouts that heavily rely on float.

  9. Describe the basic principles of CSS resets and normalizes, and their impact on cross-browser compatibility.

    CSS resets: Styles applied to all elements to set a baseline style across different browsers. This helps overcome default browser styles that can vary and cause inconsistencies.
    CSS normalizes: Aims to create a consistent starting point across browsers by normalizing styles for commonly used elements (e.g., headings, lists, margins).
    Impact on cross-browser compatibility: By establishing a consistent baseline, resets and normalizes can help ensure your website looks and behaves similarly across different browsers.

  10.  How can you optimize the performance of your CSS code?
    Reduce specificity: Use more specific selectors only when necessary.
    Minimize redundant declarations: Avoid repeating the same style rules for multiple elements.
    Utilize browser caching: Leverage browser caching mechanisms to avoid reloading stylesheets on every visit.
    Prioritize critical CSS: Load essential styles first to ensure a quicker initial page render.
    Consider using CSS preprocessors: Features like mixins and variables can help write more efficient and maintainable code.
  11. What is Flexbox and how can it be used for advanced layout creation?

    Flexbox (Flexible Box Layout): A powerful CSS layout module designed to make it easy to build flexible and responsive layouts, particularly for aligning and distributing items in one dimension (row or column).
    Key Properties:

    • Container (display: flex):

      • flex-direction: Main axis direction (row, column, etc.)

      • justify-content: Alignment along the main axis.

      • align-items: Alignment along the cross axis.

    • Flex items (flex: <grow> <shrink> <basis>):

      • flex-grow: How the item should grow to fill space if available

      • flex-shrink: How the item should shrink if there is not enough space

      • flex-basis: Default size of the item

  12.  Explain the CSS Grid layout model and its key features.
    CSS Grid: A two-dimensional layout module offering powerful grid-based layout creation.  Ideal for complex structures, even if the exact source order is not known.
    Key Features:
    Grid container (display: grid):
    grid-template-columns/rows: Define the size and number of columns/rows.
    grid-gap: Creates space between grid items.
    Grid items: Placed within cells of the grid.
    grid-column-start/end: Define the span of the cell horizontally
    grid-row-start/end: Define the span of the cell vertically
  13. Describe the concept of media queries and advanced features like media features and media queries for print.
    • Media Queries:  Let you apply CSS styles conditionally based on device characteristics like viewport width, orientation, or resolution.

    • Example
      @media (max-width: 768px) { ...styles for smaller screens... }

      • Media Features:  Specific features of a user's device that can be targeted within media queries, such as:

    • width, height, aspect-ratio, color, orientation

      • Media Queries for Print: Optimize styles specifically for how the page will look when printed, using @media print.

  14.  How can you implement responsive images using CSS?
    • max-width: 100%; and height: auto; on images to allow them to scale down within their container.

    • Media queries: To load images of different resolutions based on screen size.

    • srcset and sizes attributes: Allows browsers to select the most appropriate image source based on screen resolution and viewport size.

  15. What are CSS transforms and how can they be used for element manipulation?

    CSS Transforms: Allow you to move, rotate, scale, and skew elements without affecting the normal document flow.
    Common transforms:

    • translate(x, y): Moves elements along the x and/or y axis.

    • rotate(angle): Rotates an element by a given angle.

    • scale(x, y): Increases or decreases element size.

  16.  Explain the concept of pseudo-elements like ::marker and their use in customizing list styles.

    While most pseudo-elements target specific parts of an element (like ::before and ::after), ::marker specifically targets the marker of a list item. This allows you to style the bullets, numbers, or other visual markers associated with unordered or ordered lists:

    ul::marker {
      /* Customize marker appearance here */
      color: red;
      font-size: 20px;
    ol::marker {
      /* Customize number appearance here */
      content: "•"; /* Replace with desired character */
      font-weight: bold;
    This allows you to go beyond basic list styles and create unique visual elements for your lists, enhancing their appearance and user experience
  17. Describe the different techniques for creating accessible color contrast in CSS for WCAG compliance.

    Ensuring WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) compliance is crucial for creating websites accessible to users with visual impairments. Color contrast plays a vital role:

    • Color contrast checker tools: Utilize tools like https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ to ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors.

    • WCAG guidelines: Follow specific WCAG guidelines (e.g., WCAG 2.1, Level AA) that provide minimum contrast ratios for text of different sizes against different backgrounds.

    • CSS color properties: Use color, background-color, and contrast properties to adjust color values and ensure adequate contrast.

  18.  What are CSS variables and how can they be used to improve code maintainability and reusability?

    CSS variables allow you to store and reuse values throughout your stylesheet, improving maintainability and reusability:
    Declaration: --variable-name: value;
    Usage: var(--variable-name);

    • Centralized management: Update a single variable to change its value across the entire stylesheet.

    • Readability: Improve code readability by using descriptive names for variables.

    • Theme changes: Easily switch between different color palettes or styles by modifying the variables.


    root {
      --primary-color: blue;
      --secondary-color: green;
      --text-color: black;
    body {
      background-color: var(--primary-color);
      color: var(--text-color);
    h1 {
      color: var(--secondary-color);

    Use code with caution.

    In this example, modifying the --primary-color would change the background color of the body and any other element using that variable.
  19. Explain how animations and transitions can be used together for complex effects.

    While both animations and transitions create visual effects, they serve different purposes:
    Animations: Designed for complex sequences of changes involving multiple properties, often with defined start and end points, and the ability to control playback (play, pause, reverse).
    Transitions: Smoothly change the value of one or more CSS properties over a specified duration, typically used for simpler effects triggered by user interactions (e.g., hover, click).
    Combining them allows for more sophisticated visuals:
    Trigger an animation on hover using a transition:

    .box:hover {
      transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out;
      animation: spin 1s linear infinite;
    @keyframes spin {
      from { transform: rotate(0deg); }
      to { transform: rotate(360deg); }

    Use code with caution.
    This example combines a smooth hover transition with a continuous spinning animation.
  20.  Describe your experience or understanding of CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS and their benefits.

    CSS frameworks provide pre-built components, utilities, and layouts to help developers build websites faster and more consistently.

    • Benefits:

      • Rapid prototyping: Frameworks offer pre-built components and styles, speeding up development.

      • Responsive layouts: Many frameworks include built-in features for responsive design.

      • Consistency: Frameworks promote consistent code structure and styling conventions.

    • Potential trade-offs:

      • Customizability: Frameworks might enforce specific styles, limiting complete design freedom.

      • Learning curve: Understanding the framework's structure and conventions can have a learning curve.

  21. Differences between var, let, and const
    var (functionally scoped, globally accessible if not declared within a block) is generally discouraged due to potential scoping issues.
    let (block-scoped) and const (block-scoped and read-only) are preferred for better code clarity and reduced risk of unintended variable modifications.
  22. Primitive data types
    JavaScript has six primitive data types: string, number, boolean, undefined, null, and symbol (introduced in ES6).
  23. Declaring and accessing functions
    Functions are declared using the function keyword followed by the function name, parameters (optional), and the function body enclosed in curly braces. They can be accessed by their name and called with optional arguments.
  24. Hoisting
    In JavaScript, variable declarations with var are hoisted to the top of their scope (function or global), making them accessible before their declaration. Let and const are not hoisted and respect block scope.
  25. Closures

    A closure is a function that has access to the variable environment (including variables) of its outer function, even after the outer function has returned. This allows them to "remember" values from their enclosing scope.

  26. == vs. ===
    == performs loose comparison, attempting to convert values to a common type before comparison. This can lead to unexpected results because of type coercion.
    === performs strict comparison, checking both value and type equality. It is generally recommended for reliable comparisons.
  27. Looping through an array

    for loop: Iterates a specific number of times based on a counter variable.
    forEach method: Iterates through each element in the array, calling a provided function for each element.

  28.  this keyword
    The keyword refers to the current object context within which a function is being executed. Its value can change depending on how the function is called.
  29. Error handling
    JavaScript offers various ways to handle errors, including:
    try...catch block: Attempts code within try, catches any errors in catch, and optionally provides an error handler.
    throw statement: Explicitly throws an error object to be handled by a catch block.
  30. Event Loop
    JavaScript is single-threaded, meaning it executes code one line at a time. The Event Loop manages the execution of asynchronous operations (like network requests) by placing them in a queue and processing them when the main thread is available.
  31. How do you select and manipulate elements in the DOM using JavaScript?
    • You can use various methods to select and manipulate elements:

      • getElementById(id): Retrieves an element by its unique ID.

      • getElementsByTagName(tagName): Returns a collection of elements with the specified tag name.

      • querySelector(selector): Selects the first element matching a CSS selector.

      • querySelectorAll(selector): Returns a collection of elements matching a CSS selector.

    • Once selected, use properties and methods to manipulate them:

      • .innerHTML: Sets or gets the inner HTML content of an element.

      • .style: Access and modify the CSS styles of an element.

      • .classList: Add, remove, or toggle CSS classes on an element.

      • .setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue): Set or modify an element's attribute.

  32.  What is the difference between getElementById and getElementsByTagName?
    • getElementById:

      • Retrieves a single element with a unique ID.

      • Returns null if no matching element is found.

      • Faster due to efficient lookup by ID.

    • getElementsByTagName:

      • Returns a collection of elements with a specific tag name.

      • May return an empty collection if no matching elements are found.

      • Slower as it searches the entire DOM for matching elements.

  33. What are event listeners in JavaScript, and how do you use them?

    Event listeners are functions that wait for specific events to occur on an element. These events can be user interactions (clicks, key presses) or browser events (page load, window resize).
    To use them:
    Select the target element using methods like getElementById.
    Use the addEventListener method on the element, specifying the event type and the event listener function.

    const button = document.getElementById("myButton");
    button.addEventListener("click", function() {
      alert("Button clicked!");
  34.  Describe common DOM manipulation methods like appendChild and createElement.
    appendChild(child): Appends a child node (element or text) as the last child of the specified element.
    createElement(tagName): Creates a new HTML element with the specified tag name (e.g., div, p, span).
    removeChild(child): Removes a child node from the parent element.
    insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode): Inserts a new node before the specified reference node as a child of the same parent.
    These methods allow you to dynamically add, remove, and modify the structure and content of your web page.
  35. How do you implement animations using JavaScript and the DOM?

    There are several ways to implement animations in JavaScript:
    CSS animations: Define animations using CSS keyframes and trigger them using JavaScript classes or style changes.
    JavaScript animations: Use the setInterval or requestAnimationFrame methods to manipulate element styles or properties over time, creating animation effects.
    JavaScript libraries: Utilize animation libraries like GSAP or Anime.js for more complex and powerful animation capabilities.

  36.  How do you select and manipulate elements in the DOM using JavaScript?

    You can use various methods to select and manipulate elements:

    • getElementById(id): Retrieves an element by its unique ID.

    • getElementsByTagName(tagName): Returns a collection of elements with the specified tag name.

    • querySelector(selector): Selects the first element matching a CSS selector.

    • querySelectorAll(selector): Returns a collection of elements matching a CSS selector.

    • Once selected, use properties and methods to manipulate them:

    • .innerHTML: Sets or gets the inner HTML content of an element.

    • .style: Access and modify the CSS styles of an element.

    • .classList: Add, remove, or toggle CSS classes on an element.

    • .setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue): Set or modify an element's attribute.

  37. What is the difference between getElementById and getElementsByTagName?
    • getElementById:

      • Retrieves a single element with a unique ID.

      • Returns null if no matching element is found.

      • Faster due to efficient lookup by ID.

    • getElementsByTagName:

      • Returns a collection of elements with a specific tag name.

      • May return an empty collection if no matching elements are found.

      • Slower as it searches the entire DOM for matching elements.

  38. What are event listeners in JavaScript, and how do you use them?

    Event listeners are functions that wait for specific events to occur on an element. These events can be user interactions (clicks, key presses) or browser events (page load, window resize).
    To use them:
    Select the target element using methods like getElementById.
    Use the addEventListener method on the element, specifying the event type and the event listener function.

    const button = document.getElementById("myButton");
    button.addEventListener("click", function() {
      alert("Button clicked!");

Scope @ NareshIT:

NareshIT's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Online Training program provides comprehensive, hands-on training in front-end web development, equipping you with the essential skills needed to build modern, high-performance websites and applications.

  • Practical Projects: Throughout the program, you’ll work on phase-end and capstone projects that mirror real-world web development scenarios. These projects will help you apply your skills to develop functional, aesthetically pleasing websites.

  • Expert-Led Training: Benefit from the insights of experienced industry professionals. The course content is meticulously crafted to align with the latest trends and best practices in web development, ensuring you stay ahead in the field.

  • Holistic Learning: This program covers the entire spectrum of front-end development, empowering you to create responsive, interactive, and user-centric websites from scratch.

  • Recognized Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive a certificate recognized by the industry, validating your proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.